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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1890 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. w C D B'\& SUBJECT OF EXPERIMENT. W C D •a o *-i C D a «<t o >s CD P & P Feeding Experiments—Continued, Comparative value of new and old corn in feeding steers Comparative value of corn and pumpkins, of corn, and of corn and apple- in feeding pigs Value of offal fed to pigs Feeding < nsilage to colts Comparison of corn meal, and of corn meal and wheat meal fed to pigs Tree Culture— Orchard, soil cultivation and management + Orcha d. soil fertilization + App es, testing new varieties by planting , + Apples, testing new varieties by top-grafting -f Apples, testing hardiness of root-giafted and double-worked trees ;+ Pears, testing new varieties MPlums testing new varieties !+ Cherries, testing new varieties i+ Forest trees, growing of i+ Trees, use of insecticides on Testing tim > and methods of transplanting trees Testing and improving native fruits Testing the effects of stock and cion upon each other Vine Culture. Grape , testing new varieties Gi apes, methods of training Grapes, soil treatment Small Fruit Culture. I Blackberries, testing varieties „ |+ Kaspberries. testing vaiieties |-fStrawberries, testing varieties !+ Sti awberries, method of management i+ St awberries, raising seedlings 1+1 Kaspberiics, soil management \+\ Gardening. \ \ Tomatoes, effect of artificial fertilization upon earliness of product.,... ..j Bea is testing varieties '+ i-f Sweet corn, testing varieties .. + :No. 4!.. Potatoes, investigation of scab +| :+ l Tree and Vine Culture. Fungicides, use of Miscellaneous. i Record of soil temperature + Soil moisture, evaporation of water from the surface of water, of un-j cultivated soil, of cultivated soil, of a corn plant, and of grass j.. Meteorological record from August 17, 1888 -h Biology of ensilage + "Failed. Exhibit B is a statement of the expenditures for the year by quarters. Discrimination is made between those expenditures which were incidental to the organization of a new enterprise and those which may be compared with the usual current expenses of a regular working year. This discrimination seems to be desirable in order that the proper authorities may know how to apportion funds for the coming year's work. Exhibit C is a statement of the sums appropriated and expended during the current quarter. In this quarter the expenditures in certain particulars, especially in the publication of bulletins, have been much more than
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