Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1890 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

42 UNIVEESITY O F ILLINOIS. General Balance Sheet. Loss. Gain. $727 92 503 70 190 66 149 14 208 09 $1,779 51 $1,779 51 Agricultural d e p a r t m e n t G r i g g s farm Horticultural d e p a r t m e n t Chemical laboratory Machine s h o p Carpenter shop Total, N e t gain $677 21 $677 21 1,102 30 $1,779 51 The report of Professor Morrow concerning the farm for the last quarter is herewith presented: FARM REPORT. UNIVERSITY, URBANA, March 11, 1889. Dr. S. H. Peabody, Begent, SIR: The receipts from t h e University farms were as follows: Receipts for the quarter ending March 1, 1889, have aggregated The expenses have been $916 52 367 05 The receipts may be classified as follows: Hay Cattle Hogs Labor Timothy seed Miscellaneous 5615 53 199 16 21 11 05 00 60 50 00 37 The expenses were: Labor Feed Lumber and repairs Postage and petty expenses $274 13 51 20 36 07 565 Respectfully submitted, G. E. MORROW, Professor of Agriculture. The report of the Board of Direction of t h e Experiment Station, is herewith presented: REPORT OF E X P E R I M E N T STATION. To the Begent of the University. SIR: The Board of Direction of t h e Experiment Station, a t t h e end of the first year of Station work, respectfully reports as follows: Exhibit A is a statement of t h e experiments which have been undertaken; of those which are still in progress; of those which have been brought to a conclusion; those which have been reported in bulletins; and those which are already for such report.