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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1890 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

PROCEEDINGS O F BOARD O F TRUSTEES. 31 Financial Statement Receipts—Live stockCattle Hogs Ho ses Poultry Field productsHay Corn Wheat Oats Seeds Feed and pasture Work of teams Rent Miscellaneous Total Expenses—Labor Live StockCattle Hogs Hon-es FeedCorn Oats Bran, etc Machinery Building, repairs, hardware Seeds Miscellaneous Total Credit balance Inventory, December 1, 1S88. Live Stock— Horses, 11—8 mares all bred, 3 4 col^s—2 yearlings, 2 weanlingsgeldings Cattle, 69 Shorthorns @ $75 7 Holsteins @ $100 6 Herefords @ $150 6 Jerseys @ $50 Grade cattle—9 yearling steers 5—a cow, 2 heifers, 2 calves Hogs, 80 Poultry Total live stock Field ProductsHay, 170 t o n s Corn, 4,500 b u s h e l s @ 27 cents Oats, 1,750 b u s h e l s @ 23 c e n t s T i m o t h y seed, 200 b u s h e l s @ $1.50 Ensilage, straw, fodder for 1888. $1,280 770 410 20 32 75 00 5«» $2,481 57 $878 89 188 55 453 00 19 80 39 46 71 25 1,650 95 177 ; 9 89 00 18 30 $4,416 91 $1,498 90 $623 85 71 00 148 00 842.85 $499 14 96 83 121 10 717 07 412 57 141 88 68 60 107 12 3,788 9£ $627 92 5,175 00 700 00 900 00 300 00 $250 00 75 00 $1,750 00 325 00 7,075 00 325 00 615 00 25 00 $10,115 00 - $1,300 00 1,215 00 400 00 300 00 400 00 3,615 00 1,800 00 $15,530 00 15,430 00 $100 00 Total g r a i n s , s e e d s , a n d feed Total 1888 Total 1887 Gain.
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