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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1890 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

24 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. The m a t t e r of employing a professor of chemistry was referred t o t h e Executive Committee, with power t o act. The request of t h e Board of Direction of t h e Experiment S t a t i o n for a u t h o r i t y t o expend Station funds during t h e q u a r t e r ending Dec. 3 1 , 1888, according t o Exhibit B, was granted. The recommendations of t h e Board of Direction, t h a t Albert G. Manns be appointed first a s s i s t a n t chemist for t h e Experiment Station, with a salary of twelve hundred dollars a year, and H a r r y SJ Grindley second a s s i s t a n t chemist, with a s a l a r y of six hundred dollars a year, and t h a t Professor Donald Mcintosh be appointed veterinarian of t h e Station, w i t h o u t salary, were approved. The Board of Direction was also granted power t o conduct experiments in respect t o ensilage, t h e preservation of fruits, and t h e protection of field crops from chinch bugs, a s b y it requested. On motion of Mr. Bennett, a committee on legislation was constituted, t o consist of t h e President of t h e Board, t h e Begent and t w o members of t h e B o a r d t o be appointed b y t h e President. Messrs. Bennett a n d McLean were appointed. The Regent presented a request from Professor Burrill t h a t he be permitted by t h e Board t o undertake, upon t h e invitat i o n a n d a t t h e expense of t h e United States Department of Agriculture, some investigations of t h e disease of t h e peach known as " t h e yellows," a n d permission was given. The Auditing Committee reported as follows: We, your committee, respectfully report that we have examined the vouchers on which Experiment Station warrants Nos. 14, 74 to 86 inclusive, and 96 to 182 inclusive have been drawn and find them correct as presented in the report of the Station. ^ . ^ S ™ ' (Auditing Connnittee. We, your committee, respectfully report that we have examined the vouchers on which University warrants Nos. 676 to 900 inclusive have "been drawn, and find them correct as reported by the Business Agent. We have also examined the Treasurer's report, and find that it is correct and shows a balance of thirty thousand, three hundred and fifty-two dollars and six cents. GEO. C. EISENMAYER, y Auditing Committee. G. K. SHAWHAN, The Secretary's bill for expenses in going t o t h e meeting of t h e B o a r d a t Chicago, J n n e 26th, was approved on m o t i o n of Mr. Pullen, and eight dollars a n d thirteen cents was appropriated from current funds for its payment. On motion of Mr. Pullen, twenty-six t h o u s a n d three hundred and six dollars and fifty cents was appropriated from currentfunds for University purposes for t h e six m o n t h s ending Feb~ r u a r y 2 8 , 1889, a s follows:
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