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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1890 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD O F TRUSTEES. 23 The committee in charge of the work of fitting up the metallurgical laboratory was authorized, on motion of Dr. Edwards, to expend therefor the further sum of one thousand dollars from the state appropriation for t h a t purpose. From the state appropriation for cabinets four hundred and fifty dollars and eleven cents was assigned, on motion of Mr. Pullen, as follows: For For For For work and material mounting birds... wax models—comparative anatomy glass jars and alcoholic preparations. labor in museum $150 200 50 50 11 00 00 0 & On motion of Mr. McLean, it was ordered that the expenditure of the state appropriation for books and publications for the current year be referred to a committee consisting of the Regent, the Business Agent and the Librarian; and t h a t the list of books and the bids obtained therefor be referred to the Executive Committee of the Board for its approval. On motion of Mr. McLean, the Board authorized the use of one hundred dollars from the state appropriation for apparatus and material in the purchase of a type-writer for the Regent's office. The use of one hundred and fifty dollars from the same fund, for the purchase of tools for the architectural shop, was authorized on motion of Mr. Eisenmayer. On motion of Mr. McLean, there was appropriated for the purchase of chemical supplies six hundred and fifty dollars— four hundred dollars from current funds and two hundred and fifty dollars from the state appropriation for apparatus and material. On motion of Mr. Eisenmayer, forty dollars for a set of reloading tools for the military department, was appropriated from the state appropriation for apparatus and material. Twenty-five dollars was appropriated from current funds, on motion of Mr. McLean, for the repair of the rifle range. The Director of the State Laboratory of Natural History was authorized, on motion of Mr. Eisenmayer, to pay Professor Burrill two hundred dollars for his services as the botanist of the Laboratory for the current year. On motion of Mr. McLean, assignments were made for the half-year ending December 31, 1888, from the state appropriations for the Laboratory, to the amount of two thousand six hundred and fifty dollars, as follows: For For For For the the the the field work and the office and incidental expenses.. improvement of the library pay of assistants publication of bulletins $ 500 00 500 00 1,500 00 150 00
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