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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

PAPER P. Balance Sheet of Agricultural Department, Dec. 1, 1885. Credits. I n v e n t o r y Dec. 1,1885: Live stock F a r m products Machinery a n d tools Sales—Live stock B u t t e r a n d milk Grain a n d h a y Miscellaneous.. : Debits. $10,080 00 1.980 00 1,350 00 1,850 00 $2,487 33 733 56 616 46 106 00 103 56 467 13 400 00 ^ $3,437 42 473 05 : $10,055 00 2,936 25 1,250 00 1,800 00 $16,041 25 $3,910 47 7a3 25 197 10 4,840 82 $20,882 07 I n v e n t o r y Dec. 1.1884: Live stock Farm products Teams Machinery and tools Paid—For labor Stock a n d service F o o d a n d seeds Machinery Threshing Miscellaneous Permanent repairs $15,260 00 , 4,914 04 $20,174 04 708 03 $20,882 07 B a l a n c e in favor of d e p a r t m e n t Balance Sheet of the Horticultural Department, March 1, 1886. Credits. Work and materials for University . Sales Debits. Foreman.. Labor Materials . Balance against department... Appropriation for department. Net balance against department. $683 00 743 53 452 54 1,879 07 $536 89500 00 $36 89« $234 76 1,107 42] $1,342 1$
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