UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 [PAGE 59]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886
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51 The following report from the Committee on Buildings and Grounds was adopted and approved :

To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: The undersigned committee, to whom was referred the matter of repairs of rooms occupied by A. B. Baker, janitor of the building, would respectfully report that we have examined the same, and would recommend that such changes and alterations be made in the basement rooms now occupied by Janitor Baker, as recommended by the Regent, and that the same be done in accordance with estimated cost as set forth in report, and estimates presented by Prof. N. Clifford Ricker, dated June 29,1885, and at a cost not exceeding $230. and the same is hereby appropriated, and that said repairs be made under the direction and control of the Regent and Executive Committee of this Board. ALEX McLEAN, G. A. FOLLANSBEE, PARKER EARLE, Committee,

CHICAGO, July 1, 1884.

Trustee Follansbee introduced the following resolution, which was adopted:

Resolved, That the Regent be, and he is hereby authorized to fill the position of Instructor of Ancient Languages, at a salary not to exceed $1,000 per annum; of Instructor in Modern Languages, at a salary not to exceed $600 per annum; of Instructor in the Machine Shops, at a salary not to exceed $400 per annum.

The following motion of Trustee Follansbee was adopted:

Resolved, That a sum not to exceed $1,800 be appropriated for the purpose of securing the services of a competent person to All the chair of Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Elocution, and that the Executive Committee be authorized to make the appointment.

Trustee McLean offered the following resolution:

Resolved, That the Regent be and he is hereby authorized to secure the services of a competent person to be known as Professor of Mining Engineering of this University, at a salary not to exceed $2,000 per annum, and that he report his action to this Board at its next regular session.

The motion prevailed. The following resolution was offered by Trustee Follansbee, and was carried :

Resolved, That the Regent of the University be empowered to make efforts to secure a successor to the professorship of Veterinary Science; or if a satisfactory person cannot at present be secured for that position, that the services of a lecturer be obtained to deliver a course oC lectures in that department during a part of the ensuing year; and if this could not be satisfactorily done, that the course of instruction be so arranged, that students desiring to pursue this line of studies can do so in the year succeeding the present one.

The Eegent reported the offer of the Urbana and Champaign Street Car Company through their secretary, Mr. F . G. Jaques, to sell to the University the "Kush lot," near the crossing of their road with Wright street, and to join the University in building and maintaining a suitable structure for a waiting place at said crossing. The report was received, and Trustee McLean offered the following resolution:

Resolved, That the Executive Committee and the Regent be authorized to carry out the proposition of Mr. Jaques, relating to building a waiting-room on the street-car track and proper transfer of the lot of ground to the University, and that they report their action to this Board.

Carried. The erecting of fire-walls and carrying out of other improvements provided for by State appropriation, was referred to the Executive Committee and the Eegent with power to act.