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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

50 The following appointments of professors and instructors were made for the ensuing academic year: T. J. Burrill, Professor of Botany and Horticulture, salary $2,000 per annum. S. W.Shattuck,Professor of Mathematics, salary $2,000 per annum. E. Snyder, Professor of Modern Languages, salary $2,000 per annum. J. C. Piekard, Professor of English Literature, salary $2,000 per annum. N. C. Flicker, Professor of Architecture, salary $2,000 per annum. J. D. Crawford, Professor of History and Ancient Languages, salary $2,000 per annum. G. E. Morrow, Professor of Agriculture, salary $2,000 per annum. P. Boos, Professor of Art and Designing, salary $1,700 per annum. I. O. Baker, Professor of Civil Engineering, salary $1,800 per annum. W. McMurtrie,Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy, salary $2,000 per annum. S. A. Forbes, Professor of Zoology and Entomology, salary $1,160 per annum. C W. Rolfe, Assistant Professor of Geology, salary $1,200 per annum. W. H. Garman, Assistant in Zoological Laboratory, salary $840 per annum. A. N. Talbot, Assistant Professor of Engineering and Mathematics, salarv $1,000 per annum. E. A. Kimball, Instructor in Iron Work and Foreman, salary $1,500 per annum. G. W.Parker,Instructor in Wood Wrork and Foreman, salary $960 per annum. A. T. Woods, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, salary $40 per month for tennionths. G- C Hewes, First Assistant in Chemical Laboratory, salary $50 per month for ten months, S. W. Stratton,Instructor in Mathematics, salary $50 per month for ten months. H. Taylor, Assistant in Drawing, salary $25 per month for ten months. Miss K. M. Baker,Instructor in Vocal and Instrumental Music, with fefes for salary. A. B. Baker, .i anitor, salary .$840 per annum. S. WT. Shattuck,Business Agent, salary $300 per annum. A recess of one hour was taken. The Board re-assembled at 2 o'clock P. M. The following resolution was offered by Trustee McLean: Resolved, That the Executive Committee and Professor Forbes be authorized to receive as the agents of this Board, from the Board of Education of the State of Illinois, such property, belonging to the establishment known as the State Laboratory of Natural History, asthe above mentioned State Board of Education is by law required to transfer to this Board The motion prevailed. Professor S. A. Forbes was appointed Director of the Laboratory of Natural History. The following resolution offered by Trustee McLean was adopted: Resolved. That the following appropriations be made out of the several sums of money appropriated by the General Assembly for the use of the State Laboratory of Natural History and the State Entomologist office, viz: For the field work and office and incidental expenses of the laboratory, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars. For the traveling, office and incidental expenses of the State Entomologist, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, For improvement of the library, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars. For the pay of the entomological assistant, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars. For the pay of the botanical assistant, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars. For miscellaneous assistance, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars. For the publication of bulletins, the sum of seventy-five dollars. Warrants to be drawn by the President of this Board and subject to the order of the . Director duly appointed by the Board. The following resolution was offered by Trustee Pearman, and passed: Resolved, That the Director of the State Laboratory of Natural History is hereby authorized to employ such assistance in the work of the laboratory as the law provides, he to report the same to the Board at its next regular meeting. Trustee Follansbee made the following motion, which prevailed: Resolved, That it is the sense of this Board that the Director of the State Laboratory of Natural History should make quarterly reports to this Board, through the Regent of the University, of the affairs and operations or the laboratory under his charge.
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