Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

26 Balance Sheet Machine and Carpenter Shops, March 7, 1885. Carpenter Shop. Credit*. W o r k for University W o r k for other parties State appropriations j | Machine Shop. j $2,198 02! j $829 49! j 416 74j ! 33 35 i 500 00 I 1,000 00 \ ! S3,114 76 j 81,862 84 Del) Us. Materials and tools Labor Power T e a c h e r a n d foreman I ! I I $536 07 740 93 116 54 1.200 00 j $1,162 88 1 1,034 69 | 116 54 1 960 00 |! i Number students taught during year I n v e n t o r y of stock on h a n d 3,274 11 $159 35 23 $650 00 2,593 54 $730 70 56 $1,044 36 1 General Balance Sheet. Department. Agricultural Department Horticultural D e p a r t m e n t Chemical D e p a r t m e n t Mechanical s h o p s Balance Loss. Gain. ! $1,329 98 $573 85| i 66 11 890 05| | 67 81 $1,463 901 $1,463 90 Eespectfully submitted, S. H. PEABODY, Regent. The following report from the Professor of Agriculture was read, find on motion of Trustee McLean was received and ordered filed: CHAMPAIGN, March 7,1885. Dr. S. II. Peabody, Regent: D u r i n g the last three m o n t h s the e x t r e m e cold weather and tbe deep snow have prevented a b o u t all farm labor except t h e care of live stock. With a very few exceptions t h e s e h a v e d o n e well. More t h a n t h e u s u a l quantity of food h a s been required. We have been able to give comfortable shelter to all t h e stock. D u r i n g the t h r e e m o n t h s the sales have a m o u n t e d to $496.58. The chief items a r e : H a y , -$153.35; b u t t e r a n d milk. $122.50; cattle, $139; old horse, $60. T h e p a y m e n t s for t h e q u a r t e r have been $1,044.41. Of t h i s s u m $558.50 were for stock p u r c h a s e d and on hand, including steers a n d calves for experimental feeding, twelve Cotswold ewes, a n d steers for ordinary feeding. We h a v e n o w p a r e bred or grade Ayrshire, Hereford, Holstein and Short H o r n s t e e r s , n e a r one year old, for feeding in comparative test of t h e s e breeds. We have a n u m b e r of young Short H o r n bull calves for sale, and can now also s p a r e S h o r t H o r n and grade cows a n d heifers. We can sell h a y , but shall need grain. • On t h e whole, I t h i n k we are in good condition. Respectfully. G. E. MORROW, Professor oj Agriculture. On motion of-*-Trustee Pearman, th^ request.of Prof. BurrilL for an assistant in the Horticultural Department was referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds.