Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

25 Balance Sheet of the Horticultural "Department. Credits. Receipts from— Orcb ard Small fruit Nursery Forest and arboretum Green-house, sales '* plants for grounds, estimated State appropriations, buildings and grounds Debits. Payments for— Orchard, labor Small fruits, labor * . material Nursery, labor material Forest and arboretum Green-house, labor " gardener. repairs fuel materials University campus, 1 abor material *' plants from green-house Balance, payments above receipts $34 95 513 17 49 10 55 80 $533 44 500 00 $653 42 1,033 44 483 55 $2,170 41 $45 00 566 42 75 42 24 00 $491 62 74 80 $55 00 20 42 $152 00 600 00 52 01 114 26 131 60 $441 55 42 00 500 00 1,049 87 983 55 $2,744 2G $573 85- Balance Sheet Chemical Department, March 1, 1885. Credits. State appropriations Receipts for students Material sold. Balance of last year, re-appropriated Material supplied other departments Debits. Apparatus and chemicals Gas Repairs Sundries • $30 99 890 29 16 60 99 99 15 05 $1,052*92 , $714 64 156 00 77 93 48 14 986 81 ^ 11 Balance to credit