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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

305 Snyder, Prof. E. r e p o r t from, 168. Soft maple, 274. Sondericker;Prof. J e r o m e , 46. Species of trees, 255. S p r u c e , 278. S t a n d i n g c o m m i t t e e s , 18. / 0 State L a b . of N a t . Hist.,,18,19,44,50,54,61,74, 94, 101, 106. * State T e a c h e r s ' Association, 97. S t r a t t o n . S. W.. 40,50,103. S t r e n g t h of wool, 233. Students, s u m m a r y of, 5. S u m m e r feeding, 213. University exhibit, 17 Variation in weight, 218. Varieties of corn, 191. Varieties of g r a s s e s , 200. Ventilation 47,53,55,105. Veterinary science,46,51,56. W. Walnut, black, 264. W a r r a n t s , lists of, 109,120. W a t e r supply, 56,92. Weed, C M . , 93,107. W'hite plague of c a b b a g e worm,295. Willow,279. Winter feeding, 213. Woods, Prof. A. T., 50,83,103. Woods of Florida, 43. Wool, elasticity of,233. Wool, fineness of, 229. Wool, s t r e n g t h of,233. Wool, structure of, 223. Zoological laboratory, 53,54,62,100,106,160. Talbott.Prof. N. A., 46,50. Taylor, Horace, 30.46,50,103. Tools, 47,105. T r a n s a c t i o n s of Board, printing, 18. T r e a s u r e r ' s bond, 34,42. T r e a s u r e r s report,29,40,58,59,73,78,104. Trees, plantation of, 255. Trees, species of,255. T r u s t e e s , B o a r d of, 1. Trustees, proceedings of Board of. 7,19,37,43, 65,78,96,99.
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