Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

246 Averages for Commercial C 9 D Grades—Continued. FINENESS. Is CD TM fctf GRADES. Q 2. C O D 02 H+, O C tT D •-"SB O C r+ D C g D HI *2 I «2 II £&' && . 33 %bloodgood. % combing % a n d V2 blood V2 b l o o d h i g h y /2 blood r e g u l a r Combing, w a s h e d ^ blood Cotts Saxon, Imported Saxon, D o m e s t i c i 142.594 | ; 12.75 I • 102.958 \ 20 2.3125 1 1.8125 I 20J3.125 | ! 20 2.125 I !....13.25 j 261.00 1 261.125 2.57311.0129 2.5631.0096 2.513 0.9893| 1.7910.7051 2.234 0.8795 2.162 0.8511 1.997 0.7862 2.8061.1041 1.555 0.6043 1.328 0.5225 8.93 11.04 10.29| 5.85 6.56 6.25 4.96 20.07! 2.73 2.11! 24 24.30 18.00 21.15 18.95 23.301 21.30 32.35 18.25 20.55 21.582 26.89 26.070j 29.18 21.031 21.394 19.8991 40.7841 18.538 19.143 24424 30424 29506 33026 33891 24209 22523 46155 20984 21663 98475 125245 163923 156152 125890 103900 105740 142619 114980 105416 GERMAN GRADES. S u p e r Super Electa Super Super Electa Super Electa Super E l e c t a 1 Electa I Electa II Electa. . . . , I I El ecta I Prima I Prima II Prima II Prima Secunda Tertia Quarta High Pedigree W o o l . . . H i g h P e d i g r e e Wool P u r e bred, Ancient P e d i g r e e I m p u r e l y bred wool French Ram Rambouillet English Merino Australian Ewe R o g e r R a m (French) Rambouillet Ewe Rambouill et Ewe 34 1.125 34 1.00 30 1.75 30 1.25 27 1.25 27 1.125 25 1.25 25 1.125 22 1.375 22 1.25 201.375 201.375 16} 1.50 16,1.25 141.50 20! 1.25 2511.25 221.875 251.25 16 3.50 20 3.125 161.625 16 2.125 20 4.125 1.00 16 4.00 1.923 0.7570 1.297 0.5499 1.655 0.6515 1.639 0.6452 1.662 0.6543 1.664 0.6551 1.535 0.6043 1.504 0.5921 1.705 0.6712 1.705 0.6712 1.980 0.7511 1.794 0.7062 2.089 0.8224 1.97810.7787 2.257 0.8885 1.953 0.7688 1.682:0.6621 1.894 0.7456 1.6610.6539 2.136 0.8409 2.120 0.8346 1.615|0.6358 1.683;0.6625 2.365 0.9311 2.487| 0.9791 2.196 0 8645 4.43 2.80 4.17 3.65 3.45 4.03 3.70 3.22 4.43 3.85 4.13 3.96 5.06 4.82 6.28 4.08 3.51 3.18 3.08 6.03 6.50 3.27 3.35 5.53 4.38 6.26 24.70 18.05 27 05 22.40 22.15 21.45 26.60 19.20 23.60 23.80 27.70 30.25 21.20 24.75 22.30 17.35 24.10 15.00 21.85 28.40 30.00 24.90 21.65 26.90 9.65 24.55 19.168 26.632 24.359 21.739 19.984 23.287 25.125 22.777 24.383 21.19 16.855 19.687 18.553 19.711 19.725 17.115 19.85 14.183 17.86 21.146 23.14 20.055 18.924 15.918 11.33 20.77 21697 30140 27571 24606 22614 26360 28742 25782 27593 23983 19082 22285 20995 22308 22330 19376 22466 15684 20214 23938 26190 22693 21414 17905 12823 23496 1 87841 166981 101925 112146 102093 122890 106926 134285 116922 100769 68889* 73671 99033 90133 100137 111681 93222 104558 92513 84288 87300 91134 9891tt 66562 13288 95708 MISCELLANEOUS WOOLS. In the investigation thus far described not enough of material was at hand to study satisfactorily the influence of the various wool growing sections and their climates, etc., upon the quality of the* wool produced. And in order to supply this deficiency it was determined to collect from such sections reliable samples of Merino wool, from animals descended from the pure Vermont stock, of about two years of age, twenty samples being taken for each sex in each section. The samples were contributed by careful experts in sheep breeding, and are therefore believed to be the best obtainable. They came from Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Texas, and California. All were examined by the methods already described, giving results showing fineness, ultimate resistance and modulus of elasticity, the principal data upon which estimates of value must be based.