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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

217 The weight of one of the half Holsteins, 1,815 pounds at three jdays over thirty-one months is the largest we have had, while the weight of the grade Short-horn, 1,540 pounds at twenty-nine months, with two and one-half months grain feeding, is the best with like treatment. Two-year-old—Weights and Gains. «H £ > Breed. <o! < t )—t JQ C D "> C —i k-j w zc •3 <£• ^ M OC Ic M 92 II 880 880 880 .... * 2£ C5 : 1,540 95 1,740 50 1,550 50 1,515 120 1,520 25 1,000 30 1,350 00 1,405 120 1,235 105 1,400 100 1,430 85 1,590 350 50 1,815 "050 85' 1,015 575 j 05 1,540 251 "2301 1,590 70 '440 1,700 100 "500 380% 1,400| 110 "335 1,540 135 "315! 1,325 90 "39ol 1,490 90 •420! 1,555 125 eigh . jMar. 15.. j/ W c r e a ste In j Weight . % Holstein... Mar. 28.. * I n c r e a s e . Apr. 30.. jI Weights e Short-horn. . Increa J Weight . Ayrshire jFeb. 20. 1 I n c r e a s e Weight : Hereford j J u n e 15.. j( I n c r e a s e. } Weight . Mar. 28.. ( I n c r e a s e %-Holstein . Ayrshire F e b . 15.. J Weights e / Increa j Weight . Grade S h o r t - h o r n I Increase j Weight . Short-horn \ Increase \ Weight . Is Holstein 1 Increase j Weight . }£ Holstein I Increase % Hereford 1,340 1,335| 1,385 1,440 1,445 5 1,090 50 1,500 55 1,395 —20 1,495 95 1.570 70 1,290 —10 1,285 10 1,130 5 1,300 30 1,345 —10 'i,*4ioj 'i,*220| 'i,*3io 'i.'isos 'i,*260! "I,"i25 1*125! "935! 1,070; i'uol 95; 1,515' 105! 1,305 85 : 1,295; —151 1,285; 135; 1,345 145 1,1901 051 1,140 15 1,000 05 1,140 70 1,205 05 50 j 1,5 00| 1,395 901 1,300 05! 1,350 05' 1,400! 55 1,300 110 1,250 110 1,120 120 1,270 130 1, 340; 135! 55 1.(540 05 1,445 50 1,415 55 1,400 50 1,500 100 1,300 0 1,275 25 1,125 5 1,270 0 1,355 15 "m The following table gives a summary of the two preceding ones, also the gains of the same cattle during five winter months, which are comparatively small, although the cattle were well fed and comfortably stabled: 1884. 1885. « • £2. OS 1880. •a O £2. 2. H-l to Breed. >t > !1 0 % S: 1 t S ! i ! 0 B w > CO Q £2 B' Cn -j) < ^ 0 CO ^i S" '. a* i-t ^ g _ t* : 405 400 225 515 335 400 380 '. ! ! * ~ % Hereford % Hereford /2 H o l s t e i n J /2 H o l s t e i n Shorthorn F e b . 20 M a r c h 15 June 15...... March 28.... March 28.... A p r i l 30 770 090 715 050 005 040 1,175 1,090 945 1,105 1,000 1,040 ! • 1,310 1,240 1,150 1,410 1,200 1.220 0 B cr •-S B ^ 0 2 B C D (Q J p. H-l (302 »V <! < •-s 305 500 050 050 700 575 573% 770 900 875 1105 1035 975 953>£ 135 150 210 245 200 180 180% 1,540 1,590 1,590 1,815 1,700 1,015 230 350 440 405 500 395 380%
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