Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

216 The first table gives the weight of all Short-horn bull calves on the farms at this writing, with age of each and the gain per day— no allowance being made for weight at birth. This fact is important in considering the apparent rapid growth of young cattle. 'It will be noticed the nine head averaged almost exactly six months in age and 470 pounds in weight. Excluding No. 1, not bred on the farms, and unusually small for age, the average age is 172 days; average weight 460 pounds. These calves have had good care, but no attempt has been made to secure extraordinary growth. This is true of all the animals kept or designed for breeding purposes on the farms. Weights of Short-horn Bull Calves. * Age in d a y s Weight Gain per day i 2 3. j i ! ! j ! 236 252! 560 540 2.141 2.37 i 193j 555 2.871 4. ; 5. | 6. | 7. 151 430 2.85 8. 9. Average. 181 470 2.60 180; 470| 2.52! 1813 440 2.40 4(551 2.73! 170; i 107 148| 325 440| 2 97! 3.04 The second table gives the weights at intervals of six months of a lot of yearling steers during summer of 1885. The first four were on full corn feed during this time; the last three on grass only except for a few days at first and last of this period. Yearling Weights and Gains. w 5" Breed. Weight and Increase. i \> gust h-» > £ 8 72 CO OC o a tobe >t & i 25 ^ ! * 00 £ 85. .£ Hereford Holstein Short-horn Ayrshire % Hereford }-2 Holstein Ayrshire..,.f Mar, 15!-! Weight " I n c r e a s e . .. l M-.28!.;woighte.... e i g h t Apr. 30, •! IW c r e a s e . , ( n . jFeb. 20 jI W e irgeh ts e . .. Inc a i \ Weight. .. ; J u n e 15] / I n c r e a s e . . .(Weight. .. | Mar. 28 I I n c r e a s e . ) Weight. . . F e b . 15| 11ncrease . (590 (550 (540 770 715 665; 695 : ! 750 60: 785 135 725 80 875; 105, 745! 30 750 85 775! 80 830 801 860^ 75! 7901 65! 910; 351 790; 45' 815| 05! 820! •45! 880 940 1,045! 1,09O . 50 60 105! 45; 930 1,010 1,125 1,105!. 70 80 115! 40 995i 1,040 . 855 925 65 70 70! 45 1,120 1 , 1 7 5 . 985 1,010 75 25 1101 55 805 900 885 945;. 15 15 (SO; 95 960 1,000! 850 945 35 40! 15 95 945 930! 975 875 70 45 15 55 40ft 515 4u0 405 225335 280* The next table gives weights of the same cattle as two-year-olds, with some additions to the lot. The first six were on full feed, the last two of these not having had grain the previous summer. The last five were on grass alone until August 15. The variations in the gains by different animals, and by the same animal in different months, are very noticeable. In some cases the growth was exceptionally fitful.