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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

15 1. We would recommend the approval of the action of Professor Forbes in fitting up room No. 6 on first floor, and obtaining tables, desks, etc., as set forth in said report, and that appropriations be made by this board to complete the same. 2. We also recommend that room No. 8 be fitted up and used as a class-room, as desired by Professor Forbes. 3. We would also recommend that the basement of the wTest wing of the main building be fitted and partitioned as requested by the Professor, and that an appropriation of $500 be made, based on the estimates submitted with said report, for the purpose of fitting room as desired. 4. We recommend that Professor Forbes be authorized to obtain eighteen dissecting tables of size and form as set forth in his report, and that the expense of the same be paid out of proper funds. 5. As to estimates submitted for raising and reflooring the basement room to be occupied for laboratory purposes, we would recommend that the same be done in accordance with the statement of cost of the same, as mentioned in the report; provided, however, that the board has sufficient funds on hand to complete the same. 6. We approve the recommendation of Professor Forbes relative to obtaining an aquarium, when convenient and proper. 7. We would refer the matter of obtaining boxes and fitting the same in laboratory room, to preserve such instruments as the students may have in use, to the Eegent and Executive Committee, with power to act. * 8. We heartily recommend to the board that the proper steps be taken and suitable rooms prepared for the purpose of having the State Laboratory removed to the buildings of this University, as recommended by Professor Forbes. Eespectfully submitted. ALEX. McLEAN, PHILIP H. POSTEL, G. A. FOLLANSBEE, Committee. The report was received and placed on file for further action. The Farm Committee made the following report: To the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University: SIRS—Your committee, to whom was referred the report of Professor Morrow on University farms for 1884, recommend that said report be approved and filed. J. T. PEABMAN, CHAS. BENNETT, Committee. The recommendation was adopted. The committee to whom was referred the report from Prof. Burrill submitted the following: To the Board of "Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University: SIES : Your Farm Committee, to whom was referred Prof. BurriU's report of the department of Horticulture for the year ending December 1,1884. wouid respectfally recommend that so much of said report as refers to scientific investigations and experiments be referred to the Kegent and Pi of. Burrill for publication in the biennial University reports. Your committee asks further time for the consideration of the remainder of said report. J. T. PEAKMAN, CHAS. BENNETT, Committee. On motion the recommendation and request were concurred in. Trustee Pearman offered the following resolution: WHEBEAS. We have learned that the name of the Hon. James K. Scott, of Champaign, 111., will be presented to the incoming President of the United States for appointment to the office of Commissioner of Agriculture; and, WHEEEAS, We recognize that this difficult and most important office requires ability and integrity of the highest order; therefore, Besolvpd, That we, the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University, of which Mr. Scott is an ex-member, do most heartily approve of and recommend such appointment. We regard him most eminently fitted for the duties of such office by his long experience and earnest devotion to the agricultural interests of the country, coupled with his sound judgment and unwavering fidelity. We do therefore most earnestly urge that such appointment be made. Besolved. That these resolutions be spread upon our record, and that a certified copy of the same be furnished to Mr. Scott. The resolution was adopted.
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