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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

11 this institution to express, in w h a t e v e r way to t h e m s e e m s fitting, their willingness to r e ceive and care for t h e property of t h e State L a b o r a t o r y of N a t u r a l History, on condition t h a t t h e Board of Education at the Normal University and t h e legislature of the State a r e favorable to such transfer. Very respectfully yours, S. A. F O R B E S . On motion the report was referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, with request that speedy action be taken. On motion the Board adjourned for twenty minutes for the purpose of attending chapel exercises. On reconvening the Regent submitted a report from Prof. Burrill, of the Horticultural Department. (On experiments, etc., to be found elsewhere in this report.) On motion it was referred to the Farm Committee. The Begent then read the report of the Professor of Agriculture, as follows: D R . S. H. PEABODY, Regent, 1.1. U.: S I E : I respectfully p r e s e n t the following report of t h e work on the University F a r m s for t h e year ending D e c e m b e r 1st, 1884: T h e receipts have b e e n $6,360 52 They m a y be classified as follows: Cattle, $3,799.03; hogs, $726.95; b u t t e r a n d milk, $575.37; hay.$520.24; rye,*227.30; mare,$155.00; corn,$50.22; timothy seed, $79.50; p a s t u r e , $72.00; poultry,$57.30; wheat, $20.00; apples, $25.15; wood,$16.25; wool, $13.26 ;miscellaneous, $21.00. The expenditures have been 4,749 54 Classified as follows: Labor, $2,676.04; machinery,$185.05; stock p u r c h a s e d , $1,030.70; feed p u r c h a s e d , $352.51; h a r d w a r e , blacksmithing and repairing, $113.04; h a r n e s s a n d r e p a i r s , $29.65; freight a n d express,$95.02; seeds, $51.08; painting b a r n , $119.64; tile, $38.50; s u n d r i e s , $88.31. I n addition t h e r e w a s an expenditure of $303.96 for drainage of Griggs F a r m , which farm was, d u r i n g the year, separated in t h e m a t t e r of accounts from t h e University F a r m p r o p e r . The "saleable property" of the farms aggregate $12,060.00. C a t t l e - 6 8 Short H o r n s (7 unregistered) 10 J e r s e y s 10 G r a d e cows 12 Grade heifers, calves 16 Yearling steers 11 Steer calves T o t a l . . 127head... .12 Sheep 19 H o g s 5 Colts Chickens Total live stock 1,000 bushels of corn at 25c 450 bushels of seed corn at 60c 900 b u s h e l s of oats at 20c 180 t o n s of h a y S t r a w and corn fodder W h e a t seeding 35 acres Fall plowing 45 acres Miscellaneous i $6,300 00 1,100 00 400 00 300 00 560 00 275 00 $8,935 00 300 00 220 00 550 00 75 00 $10,080 00 $520 00 180 00 940 00 160 00 r , $1,800 00 $100 00 45 00 35 00 $185 00 T h e saleable property D e c e m b e r 1st, 1883, w a s $12,366 00 Showing a d e c r e a s e of 301 00 T h e t e a m s now consist of 9 brood m a r e s and 1 horse, valued at — 1,350 00 Showing an increase in value of 75 00 T h e i m p l e m e n t s a n d m a c h i n e r y are valued at 1,850 00 Showing d e c r e a s e for year of ^ 50 00 This gives a total of 15,265 00 Showing a decrease for t h e year of ,.. 276 00 Deducting this from the balance of sales over expenditures, gives net b a l a n c e for \ the y e a r of 1,234 98 Deduct the outlay for tiling on Griggs farm 303 96 Gives net balance 931 02
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