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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

164 on the work laid out for them. The work to which three terms have formerly been devoted is now confined to two terms, thus providing an additional term that will be devoted to advanced organic chemistry, synthetic and analytic, thus supplying a want long felt. An endeavor is also being made to so modify our course of pharmaceutical chemistry as to bring it more in harmony with present practice in the drug trade of the State. The condition of the law, as it now stands, however, with regard to license to practice in pharmacy, offers little encouragement to this. Graduates from the School of Chemistry, with a thorough knowledge of chemical processes and products, of toxicology and the qualities and power of poisons, their detection and their antidotes, and thus practically meeting, by a course of four years of practice in the laboratory, all the requirements of the intent and spirit of the law, are still forced, by the letter thereof, to four years practice in a selling drug store, often with very meagre sales and hence of limited experience, during which time, by strict construction, they are prohibited from filling a prescription or selling a drug. In view of these facts it seems that some modification of the existing statute recognizing the training offered in this line of work is, on all accounts, desirable. Daring the year just closing important changes have been made in the internal arrangements of the laboratories. In the assaying laboratory all the old furnaces have been torn away and new and improved ones put in their places. Five new crucible furnaces of the latest and most approved design, have been constructed of brick and iron, and, in the work of the present term, they have satisfied all the expectations had with regard to them. These have been supplemented by two large Judson's steel,sectional cupelling furnaces, purchased from Messrs. Eichards & Co., of New York, and, under favorable conditions, they are capable of excellent work. Unfortunately, In their installation, we were subject to additional expense, because the single flue with which the assay laboratory is provided proved too small, with all the furnaces connected with it, to supply the necessary draft. After several trials it became imperative to remove at least one cupelling furnace to another flue, and here it is all that can be desired and does excellent work. Our assay laboratory is now, we believe, as well equipped as any in the country. In the improvements just described provision was made for extension by the erection of additional furnaces, when increase in the number of students may demand it. In case such extension shall become necessary, however, additional flues or increase of the capacity of those already in existence and use will be of primary importance. In the laboratory for quantitative analysis a new table has been provided which shall be devoted to ultimate organic analysis. In form it is very similar to the other tables and desks of the laboratory. Its top is of soapstone, which is very refractory to the action of heat and of acid or alkaline substances, and it is, therefore, free from the objectionable features inherent in wood tops. The table is furnished with ample gas and water supply, pneumatic troughs and aspirators, shelf space, closet room, in fact with every convenience required in ultimate organic analysis.
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