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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

107 AFTERNOON SESSION. The Board reassembled at the hour appointed. The Eegent's account of traveling eixpenses to Washington, amounting to $64.30, was audited and ordered to be paid. Prof. Forbes was authorized to employ Mr. C. Weed from July 1, at a salary not to exceed $50 per month. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds made the following report, which was adopted, and its recommendations concurred i n : To the President of Board of Trustees, University of Illinois: The undersigned, to whom was referred the matter of change of stairs on Laboratorybuilding, would respectfully report that we have examined the building, and the plans and specifications of the proposed change, and recommend that the stairs on south end of building be taken down and erected on west side, immediately in front of and over the large double door on west side of building, and landing on second floor through the window immediately over said large doorway; that the stairs be built according to the plans submitted to your committee; and the place from whence the stairs were taken be finished as a balcony, so as not to deface the building. We further recommend that the grading around the building be removed from the walls and asphalt and cinders be placed against the walls as requested by the Regent in his report. We recommend that an appropriation of $500 be made to complete these improvements. ALEX McLEAN, GEO. C. EISENMAYER. The Farm Committee made the following report which was accepted and its recommendations approved: To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: GENTLEMEN : Your Farm Committee to whom was referred the report of Prof. Morrow, together with a communication from Mr. George M. Henry, would respectfully recommend that the same be received, and that the sum of $1,600 be appropriated for the Hereford and Holstein purchase, and for the purchase of eighteen head of grade cattle for feeding, and that Prof. Morrow be requested to reply to the communication, of Mr. Henry in appropriate form. J. T. PEARMAN. PARKER EARLE, Six hundred dollars were appropriated for advertising, to be expended under the direction of the Regent. The Auditing Committee submitted the following report: To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: WTe, the undersigned, your Auditing Committee, hereby report that we found all accounts submitted by the Business Agent in proper form and duly receipted from number 501 to 750, inclusive, and recommend that the same be approved. We also examined the report of J. W. Bunn, Treasurer, and found his report correct, and recommend the approval of the same by the Board. GEO. C.-EISENMAYER. C. BENNETT, The report was received and approved. Mr. McLean offered the following resolution which was adopted: Resolved, That the Regent, at his discretion, may give leave of absence to any professor who shall apply to be absent from the University during vacation. The Board was informed that the detail of Second Lieutenant Charles McGlure, 18th Inft. U. S. A., to be Instructor in Military Tactics at this University for three years, will expire on the 1st of July next, and that he is under orders then to rejoin his regiment.
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