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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

£9 PEOCEEDINGS OF THE BOARt) OF TRUSTEES—JUNE, 1886. The Board met at" the University parlor on Tuesday, June 8th, 1885, at 8 o'clock P. M. Present—Trustees Bennett, Cobb, Earle, Eisenmayer, McLean, Millard and Pearman. Absent—Governor Oglesby, Hon. John Landrigan, Trustees Follansbee and Paden. The records of the March and April meetings were read and approved. On recommendation of the Faculty degrees and certificates were granted as follows: College of Engineers—Degree of B. S. School of Mechanical Engineers—John C. Cromwell, James H. Garrett, Henry M. Morse. Samuel W. Stratton. School of Civil Engineers—James O.Davis, James Fulton, James W. Harris, Walter A G. Olshausen. School of Architecture—George S. Bannister, Harry Schlaudeman. College of Natural Science—Degree of B. S. School of Chemistry—Dwight H. Barrett. School of Natural History—Leroy Endsley, John B. Garvin, Frank K. Vial. College of Literature and Science. School of English and Modern Languages—Degree of B. L.—Laura Belle Ayers, William A. Babcock, William L. Chitty, Joseph C. Dodds, A. Mae Ermentrout, Rozina P. Fairchild, Bertie Huff, Minnie Jaques, Charles H. Kammann, Clinton G. Lumley, Grace E. Parminter. William L. Plowman, Z. Lincoln Whitmire. School of Ancient Languages—Degree of B. A.—T. Ward Beecher Everhart, Henry W. Wilder. Masters Degree— Alphonso S. Gates, Civil Engineer. Mrs. Margaret E. (Stewart) Bobbins, Master of Literature. Charles W. Woodworth, Master of Science. Arthur B. Seymour, Master of Science. Full Certificates—S. Foster Bullard, Nettie Elder, Harry T. Hubbard, Jacob S. Jacobson, EmilLemme, William D. Pence, Alvah Philbrick, Vertus B. Boberts, Charles E. Sargent, Luther Thompson. The following named persons were reported as having been recommended to the Governor to receive commissions as captains by brevet in the State militia: James O. Davis, William D. Pence, Vertus B. Boberts, Luther Thompson, Henry W. Wilder. The Eegent then submitted the following report, which was received for further consideration: To the Trustees ojt the University of Illinois: GENTLEMEN : After the exhaustive reports concerning the educational and business interests of the University made to you at your meeting in March, it will not be expected that I should present extended details of a similar nature at this time. It is pleasant to state that the good character of the work and feeling which has before been remarked has extended to the close of the year. I present reports as follows: From Prof. Forbes upon the Department of Natural History and the removal of the State Laboratory to this University.
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