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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1884 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

52 ADVANCED COUESE IN DESIGNING. Studies in Clay or Wax. Ornaments and Plant form in Basso Relievo from flat examples; Designs adaptative to useful objects; The Human Figure from east or original composition, reproduced by casting in metal or plaster; Process of manufacture; Monumental designs. Shading from cast and from nature; classic objects and furniture enlarged from copy; Designs finished with Pen, Brush and Distempera color; Architectural construction. Design for Church Decoration in Historic Styles: Nemorial Windows for stained glass; Decorative Designs commemorating events in History; History of manufactures, and important inventions. ADVANCED TEACHERS' BOURSE. A teacher must be prepared for emergencies for which the professional designer or artist has no experience. A general knowledge of the several subjects is therefore recommended. The decorative and painting courses will be worked together so as to form a thorough course for teachers. The authorities of the University have provided that persons not connected with the institution may join the drawing and painting classes on very moderate terms. MUSIC. Music constitutes no part of any University course of studies, and is therefore not provided by the Trustees. But as many students, especially young ladies, desire instruction in music, competent teachers are selected by the Trustees, and rooms set apart for instruction. ^ COURSE OF INSTRUCTION. Bertini's Instructor; dementi's Sonatines. Op. 36, 37, 38; Heller's Studies, Op. 36, Books 1 and 2; Duvernay's Studies, Books 1, 2, 3; Losohhorn's Klavier-Technik; Czerny's Etudes de la Velocite, Op. 299, Books 1, 2, 3, 4; Czerny's Fifty Finishing Studies. Op. 740, Books 1, 2, 3; Cramer's Studies, Books 1, 2, 3, 4; Mendelssohn's Lieder ohne Worte; dementi's Gradus ad Parnassum. TUITION. Instruction term of ten weeks—two lessons a week For term of ten weeks—one lesson a week Practice on piano, one hour daily, per term TERMS. $10 00 6 00 2 00 Ten weeks—two lessons a week $12 00 Ten weeks—one lesson a week 7 00 No deduction on account of absence in either course, except in case of protracted illness. Special students in music will also be charged the regular term fee charged other students of the University.
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