Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1884 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

243 Propositions have been accepted for the following: Aug. Sept. " 4 * • * H. J. 15 A. W.Willis I Mills f 5 N. L. Collins. N. T. Maxwell h 5 R L. Gumaer 5 K. L. Gumaer 5!C. C. Bryant.. 5 N w. 27 3-8 N E. 31 3-8 8. N N S. W. W. W. E. 31 10 11 2 3-8 2-K 2-8 2-8 160 $12 160 12 153.11 15 160 12 160 10 160 10 953.11 50 $2,000 00 50 2,000 00 00 2,296 65 50 2,000 00 00 1,600 00 00 1,600 00 $11,496 65 The total sales thus far have been: Previously reported J Completed sales, t h i s q u a r t e r Proposals accepted, this quarter 620.25 1,273.33 953.11 2,846.69 $9,449 84 17,340 00 11,496 65 $38,286 49 » Agreeably to instructions from the Executive Committee, your committee has had the subject of trespassers on these lands investigated by Mr. C. E. Baker, our correspondent at Beatrice, whose report is herewith submitted. Your committee respectfully ask further instructions upon this point. No payment has yet been made to Mr. Bakerfor his services to this committee in connection with the sales of these lands. We recommend that the following sums be allowed and paid to him: For services to committee on land sales to Sept. 1st $65 66 Per diem and expenses, visiting trespassers 17 00 Total : $82 66 All of which is respectfully submitted, CHAS. BENNETT, S. H. PEABODY, UEBANA, Sept. 9,1884. Committee. The report was received and placed on file. The sum of $82.66, expenses accrued on land sales, was audited, and a warrant for same ordered to be drawn. The Executive Committee made the following report: To the Board of Trustees of the III. Ind. University: The undersigned, your Executive Committee, beg leave to report that at a meeting of your committee since the last June meeting, the question of advertising for the University was taken under consideration, and your committee decided it was advisable and important that the appropriation for advertising be increased to $600. The importance of this increase seemed so necessary that the committee found it necessary to act promptly, as the work must of necessity be done prior to this meeting. Your committee therefor ask that this report and the action of the Executive Committee be approved. S. M. MILLARD, CHAS. BENNETT, Committee. The report was received, and the increased amount appropriated, as asked for. The Executive Committee asked for further time to report on purchase of Eush lot. Granted.