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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1884 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

200 On motion of Trustee Bennett, the Begent, Trustee Pearman and the Business Agent were appointed a committee to procure repairs as follows: 1. A sewer from the Main and Chemical buildings, northwardly to the creek in the Arboretum, in accordance with plans exhibited, to cost not to exceed $580. 2. The repair of the water-closets in the west wing of Main building, to cost not to exceed $300. 3. To rebuild fence on north side of Green st., $600. On motion of Trustee McLean, the matters relative to Museum, Gay model, etc., were referred to committee on Buildings and Grounds, cost not to exceed $175. On motion of Trustee Pollansbee, $600 was appropriated for Chemical Laboratory. On motion, $300 was appropriated for Physical Laboratory. On motion of Trustee Pearman, the following appropriations were made: $150 for tables for Botanical Laboratory. $150 for book binding. $25Q for printing Library catalogues. $18 for a section liner for School of Architecture. $265 for the heating of Conservatory. $25 for surveying spiral for School of C; E. On motion of Trustee McLean, the Executive Committee and Begent were authorized to build and equip the Blacksmith shop according to plans and specifications, not to exceed the legislative appropriation. On motion of Trustee Pollansbee, the Executive Committee and Begent were authorized to expend so much of the money appropriated for tools and machines as they may deem best. On motion, the Executive Committee was authorized to negotiate with Prof. • Shattuck relative to salary as Business Agent, with power to act, and report; to the Board at next meeting. On motion by Trustee Bennett, it was Resolved, That the next regular quarterly meeting of this board be held on the 4th day of Sept., 1883, at 3 o'clock P. ML, at the University building, at Urbana, Illinois. S. M. MILLARD, A. MCLEAN, Acting President. Acting Secretary.
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