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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1884 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

178 rows from clean seed had twenty-five stalks with smut. One row with smut spores on seedlings had two stalks smutted, while in some other rows from clean seed as many as eight were found. Corn was raised on the same ground two years before but none last year. The life history of this smut fungus is still unknown. The vegetative threads (myeetium) do, however, penetrate the tissues of the plant early in the season and ultimately spread throughout most of the cells of the stalk and ear or leaves, if these latter finally become the place of the spore production. The ornamental groands have been kept in good condition. The backwardness of the spring prevented the display of bedding plants as early as usual, but the favorable con.ditions of the latter part of the season made full recoinpeMse for this and the beds and lawn made an excellent showing. Correspondence is now in progress by which it is believed a suitable man for gardener will be found ready to commence work with the beginning of the new year. I have tried to secure definite information permitting the nomination of a man at the approaching meeting of the Trustees, but am not quite prepared. All of which is respectfully submitted, T. J. BURRILL, Professor of Botany and Horticulture. Adjourned to 9:S0 A. M. SECOND D A T S SESSION. Board met on time; members present as before, with Mr. Bennett added. Communications from J. W. Pearman and I. N. McConnell were received and placed on file. It was resolved, that the offers of Messrs. Pearman and McConnell to sell Nebraska land be laid over until next meeting. Additional appropriations were made from current funds as follows : Six hundred dollars for buildings and grounds. One hundred and fifty dollars for Horticultural department. The resignation of Mr. Scott as member of the Executive Committee was accepted and Mr. Millard was elected to fill the vacancy. The following report from the Auditing Committee was received and approved: UEBANA, December 13,1882. x'o the President and Board of Trustees of the 1.1. University: The undersigned, your Auditing Committee, would respectfully report that we have examined the reports, vouchers and warrants of the Treasurer and Business Agent of the University and find as follows: Vouchers number 770 to number 804, both inclusive, and vouchers number 1 to 144 for years 1882-3, and find the same correct and duly paid. We also find that the report of Treasurer Bunn is correct and recommend approval of the same, and that said reports and vouchers be filed in the office of the Business Agent Respectfully submitted, ALEX. McLEAN, CHAS. BENNETT, Auditing Committee. A communication from Mr. J. McClenahan was received and referred to the Executive Committee and the Eegent, for report at the next meeting. A communication from Dr. Loring, Commissioner of Agriculture, concerning a meeting of representatives of Agricultural Colleges, was received, and on motion of Mr. McLean, the Eegent was author-
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