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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1884 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

171 with what care, discretion, and fidelity the finances of this institution have been administered, and that the Trustees and all officers concerned have fulfilled their duties with the utmost economy. The expenses for the year ending Sept. 1, 1884, are estimated as follows: Salary of R e g e n t . 10 P r o f e s s o r s ® $2,000 1 Professor® 2 Professors®$1,500. 2 I n s t r u c t o r s ® $1,200 1 Instructor @ 3 I n s t r u c t o r s @ $750 Current expenses. Board expenses Fuel and Lights P r i n t i n g , Advertising, S t a t i o n e r y a n d P o s t a g e Janitors and Firemen {Sundries — Total expenses T h e i n c o m e from s o u r c e s in control of t h e U n i v e r s i t y : I n t e r e s t from e n d o w m e n t F r o m fees a n d profits 111. Central freight d o n a t i o n L e a v i n g deficit to be supplied $3,000 2o,flOO 1,800 3,000 2,400 1,000 2,250 $500 3,200 1,400 1,500 500 $33,450 "7.100 $40,550 $15,721 10,000 1,000 26,731 $13,819 This, it will be remembered, will provide merely for maintaining things as they are, and will make no provision for such progress as an institution like this will be reasonably expected to make before a critical and exacting public. The committee to whom you referred this subject at your last meeting has carefully considered this question, and I ask for their report your most thoughtful attention. THE NEBKASKA LANDS. At a late meeting of the Executive Committee, of which a report will be presented to you, the Kegent was instructed to advertise for proposals for the purchase of the lands belonging to the University, and lying in Gage Co , Nebraska. The lands were accordingly offered for sale, as by the terms of an advertisement communicated herewith. The offers are to be made on this day, and will be laid before you as you shall direct, together with all accompanying documents. The current work of the University may be learned from the following table, which shows for each instructor the kind of duty, number of classes, and of hours, and the number of students attending, both male and female. It shows that twenty-two teachers of atll grades, teach 66 classes per diem, and that the average time in the class room is 19 hours per week, or 3.8 hours per day. This schedule does not show the time employed by many of the same persons in other official studies of scarcely less importance.
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