Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1884 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
21 EXPENSES. The tuition is free in all the University classes. The matriculation fee entitles the student to membership in the University until he completes his studies, and must be paid before he enters. Amount $10 00 The term fee for incidental expenses is, for each student... 7 50 Eoom rent in University dormitory, each student per term, $2 to 6 00 Each student in the Chemical and Physical laboratories, and in the Draughting and Engineering classes, is required to make a deposit varying from 50 cents to $8, to pay for chemicals and apparatus used, and for any breakages or damages. All bills due the University must be paid before the student can enter classes. The following are the estimated maximum and minimum annual expenses, exclusive of books and clothing, of a residence of* thirtysix weeks at the University: CHABACTEEIZATION OF E X P E N S E S . Minimum. $28 72 10 13 50 00 00 50 Maximum. $34 50 144 00 15 00 • 27 00 $220 50 $6 00 T e r m fees a n d r o o m r e n t for e a c h s t u d e n t T a b l e board in b o a r d i n g h o u s e s a n d c l u b s F u e l a n d light W a s h i n g , a t 75 c e n t s p e r d o z e n Total annual amount B o a r d a n d r o o m in p r i v a t e h o u s e s , p e r w e e k $124 00 $4 00 FEES IN THE PBELIMINAEY YEAE. Tuition, per term Incidental fee, per term Special For music, for 20 lessons For painting or drawing, to special students Graduating fee Fees. $10 00 10 00 5 00 <... $5 00 7 50