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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1884 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

108 U. euphorbia, C. & P. II. and III. Amphigenous; spots purple or yellowish; sori scattered, round, small. II. Uredosori distinguished by their lighter brown color; spores globose, minutely roughened, pale brown, 15-21 /*. III. Teleutospores subglobose, oval or obovate, slightly apicuiate, warty, 15-18 by 18-25 v, and interspersed with numerous slender paraphyses; pedicels about twice the length of the spore, slender, hyaline, very fragile and deciduous, leaving a small portion attached to the spore. On leaves of Euphorbia metadata, E. hypericifolia, E. dentata and E. heterophylla. The pedicels are deciduous, as are those of U. Hoivei, Peck, and the surface of the spore is similarly roughened. Mcidium euphorbia, Pers. accompanies the Uromyces in many cases, but it is believed by most botanists to have no connection with this species. Uromyces caladii, (Schw.) Farlow. I. iEcidia scattered over the whole under surface of the leaf, short, with a spreading border; spores subglobose to elliptical, angular, minutely roughened, 15-18 by 18-24 ,u. Spermogonia, also hypophyllous, scattered, preceding and accompanying the secidia. II. and III. Amphigenous; sori scattered, round or oblong, often remaining long covered by the epidermis, frequently confluent. II. Uredospores pyriform, truncate at the base, epispore thick, slightly thicker at the apex, conspicuously echinulate, 15-21 by 25-32 v. III. Teleutospores oval, subglobose or pyriform, smooth, apiculate, 16-21 by 25-82 ,u; pedicels about as long as the spores, very fragile and deciduous, leaving a small portion attached. On Ariscema triphyllum, A. Dracontium and Peltandra Virginica. The following is the synonymy of this species: Uredo Caladii. Schw. Syn. Fung. Car [1822] No. 480. Cceoma {Uredo) Ari Virgin?ci, Schw. Syn. N. Am. Fungi [1834] No. 2839. Uromyces Peltandra, Uromyces Ari-Virginici, Howe. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club. V. [1874] p. 43. Howe. I.e. p. 43. Uromyces Pontederice, Ger. I.e. VI. p. 81. Uromyces Ariscemce, Cke. I.e. p. 32. Also Hedw. XIV. [1875] p. 190.
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