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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1882 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

242 The recommendation contained in the Eegent's report in regard to the assignment of rooms to societies, was approved. On motion of Mr. McLean, a committee of five was appointed to present the wants of the University to the next Legislature. The Chairman of the Board, the Eegent, Messrs. McLean, Pearman and Bennett, were so appointed. The recommendations of the Begent as to the necessities of the University, were referred to the above committee. The following report from the Executive Committee was received and approved: CHAMPAIGN, I I I . , September 12,1882. To the Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University: The Executive Committee report that they have caused the following named repairs, and improvements to be made, at the cost stated in each case respectively: Appropriation. CostBuilding Eifle Range $100 $74 91 Building FrontFence 500 „. 495 00 Painting Main Building ) 500 for Main Building ) Mechanical Building, > 100 for Mechanical Building. V 648 21 Front Fence and Shelters ) J Plastering Mansard and Art Gallery... 400 for Mansard 623 38Building Library Cases 800 865 88 E. COBB, J. T. PEARMAN, J. R. SCOTT. The following amendments of Article IV, Section 1, and of Article IX, Section 1, were proposed: Besolved, That Article IV, Section 1, of By-Laws of this Board.jbe amended as follows: xUb< After the word President, in second line of said section, insert the words "Vice-Presirt'th dent." Resolved, That Article IX, Section 1, of the ^By-Laws of this Board, be amended: After word University, on seventh line of said section, insert the following: "It shall be the duty of the Vice-President, in the absence or other disability of the President of the Board, to perform all the duties of the President, as above set forth, in as full and amplemanner as said President." All the present members of the Board voting aye, they were declared adopted. Hon. E. B. Mason was unanimously elected Vice-President. The following report of the Business Agent was read and received: Current September 12th, 1882. Board expense Salaries Fuel and lights Stationery and printing. Buildings and grounds Fixtures and furniture Library and apparatus Incidental expense Military Department Mechanical Department Architectural Department Agricultural Department Horticultural Department Chemical Department Sundries—Physical Laboratory Students' government Examination of schools Band books Phot, appliances for Arch. Dep't... Cabinets Preparatory year J. O. Cunningham's fee Students' fees Appropriations. Receipts Approprialso ated. appropri- Expended Balance. ated. $300 15,695 1,000 950 81 50 50 200 125 202 301 2,894 215 98 35 11 37 5 50 50 00 2,043 85 $188 53 14,707 77 1,212 97 857 92 286 08 49 81 50 03 132 32 65 33 369 69 1,720 231 4,430 81 715 85| 371 79 4 11 65 12 90 4 41 50 00 615 00 50 001 $111 47 987 25 202 08 292 63 19 47 17 68 59 67 202 32 74 86 2,417 35 59 14 117 82 30 69 24 23 1 54 9 45 $49 40 110 00 497 66 50 369 41 1,493 34 3,953 48 559 621 391 31 9 45 411 25
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