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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1882 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
236 Resolved. That the report of the Committee on Departments of the University be accepted and approved, and that the services of Professors Henry A. Weber and Melville A. Scovell, as professors in the University, be discontinued from the end of the present college year, ending September 1st, 1882. The ayes and noes being called, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes, Messrs. Bennett, Cobb, Pearman, and Millard, 4. No, Mr. Scott, 1. Carried. It was moved by Mr. Millard, and seconded by Mr. Pearman, Resolved, That the request of Prof, D. C. Taft for leave of absence for the ensuing year, be granted, and that the chair of Zoology and Geology be declared vacant until further order of the Board. Carried. The Eegent was directed to report to this Board at its next meeting, or as soon as practicable, the names of two suitable persons, one as Professor of Geology and Zoology, and the other as Professor of Chemistry. Adjourned to 10 P. M. EVENING SESSION. The Board met on time; present as before. The report of the Business Agent was received and referred to the Auditing Committee: Current Appropriations. ceip A p p r o p r i - R ealso t s E x p e n d e d B a l a n c e . ated. approp'd. $300 00 15,695 00 1,000 00 950 00 81 05 50 00 50 00 200 00 125 00 202 60 301 75 2,894 68 215 37 98 30 35 64 11 65 37 13 5 95 50 00 $115 11 7,563 98 222 58 297 00 53 01 1 55 7 95 68 14 36 44 112 58 414 64 1,792 02 400 33 340 74 4 43 9 25 12 90 4 41 50 00 695 99 $184 89 8,131 02 777 42 653 00 160 81 48 15 40 05 131 86 88 56 183 64 34 16 4,169 15 139 86 31 32 31 21 2 40 24 23 1 54 9 45 J u n e 6,1882. Board expense Salaries. F u e l and l i g h t s Stationery and printing Buildings and grounds F i x t u r e s a n d furniture Library and apparatus Incidental expense Military D e p a r t m e n t Mechanical " Architectural " Agricultural " Horticultural " Chemical " Sundries—Physical laboratory Students' government E x a m i n a t i o n of s c h o o l s Band books P h o t o , a p p a r a t u s for A r c h . Dep't. Cabinets Preparatory year S t u d e n t s ' fees $132 77 93 62 157 05 3,093 49 324 82 273 76 » 9 45 396 25 2,021 35 . . .
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