Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1880 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

28BUILDEE'S COUKSE. The trustees allow persons desiring to fit themselves for master builders to take a course of a single year, pursuing such technical studies of the course in architecture as they may be prepared to enter upon with profit, and as will be most advantageous to them. COLLEGE OF NATUEAL SCIENCE. SPECIAL FACULTY. The EEGENT. I Professor TAFT, ALLEN GREGORY, GEORGE A. WILD, Professor BURRILL, Professor WEBER, Dean, | I Prof. L. Professor PEABODY, | SCHOOLS. C. I. HAYS. School of Chemistry. School of Natural History. School of Domestic Science. SCHOOL OF CHEMISTEY. This School aims to impart such knowledge of Chemistry as will enable the student to apply the principles of the science to the related arts, and to fit him for the field of original research, or for the practical business of the druggist, pharmacist and practical chemist. INSTRUCTION. Text-book instruction in the principles of Chemistry and Chemical Physics occupy six weeks of the first term of the first year. Afterward the recitations alternate with laboratory practice. During the next three years each student is expected to work two hours daily in the laboratory, five days in the week. In order to graduate, each is required at the close of his course, to make an original investigation, and present a thesis. Students who pursue Chemistry as a part of other courses work at least two consecutive hours daily during such time as their specialty may require.