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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1880 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

246 each Professor or instructor, respectively, and also state, in writing, what is actually needed to make their respective departments more effective in the way of instruction. Sec. 5. The Professors of Agriculture and Horticulture and the Mechanic Arts shall have charge of the employes in such departments, and said employes shall report their doings to said Professors, who shall embody said reports with their own to the Regent. X. BUSINESS AGENT. Sec. 1. The Business Agent shall keep all business books of the University and do its business correspondence. He shall keep, or cause to be kept, the books of accounts of the several departments. He shall make all purchases for the Unfversity, but no purchases shall be made except upon requisition from the heads of departments, or such as may be ordered by the Trustees, provided, also, that all purchases must first be authorized by by the Trustees. Sec. 2. In case of necessity for immediate purchases, the Business Agent will make them, but within the limit of $50 for any one month, the same to be reported to the Trustees at their next meeting. Purchases of material for commercial work of the machine shops may be made if immediate returns are to be received, the same also to be reported at the next meeting of the Trustees. Sec. 3. He shall aid the heads of departments in effecting such sales as may be authorized by the Trustees. He shall aid the Treasurer, when required by said Treasurer, in making collections of al^ fees, rents and other dues or debts due the University, and do such other business as may from time to time be entrusted to him. Sec. 4. He shall keep the President of the Board, the Trustees and the Regent informed as to the state of finances and business affairs of the University, presenting at the meetings of the Board, or when called for, a statement of all collections and expenditures in the several departments. XI. SAL.AKIES. Sec. 1. The salary of each officer, Professor, instructor or other employe of the University shall be fixed by resolution at the time the appointment is made, subject to alteration in the discretion of the Board, and a warrant shall be drawn for the same according to law on the Treasurer, as the same shall fall due; provided, there are funds in the treasury to pay the same. Salaries shall be payable monthly. XII. DUTIES OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Sec. 1. The Executive Committee shall meet whenever they find it necessary for the transaction of any business necessary to be done during the vacation of the Board. Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall, for the purposes for which they were appointed» possess all powers of the Board; provided, that they shall not revise or change the acts of the Board, nor act upon matters referred to any committee of the Board that may be entrusted with any special business, shall not purchase or sell real estate, nor the land scrip, nor bonds belonging to the University, without the consent in writing of a majority of all the members of the Board, and shall be strictly confined to such business as cannot be left till the quarterly meetings of the Board. Sec. 3. The committee shall hold office till the annual meeting next after their appointment, and they shall submit the minutes of their proceedings, or make a report through their chairman to every meeting of the Board, of all their transactions since the last meeting of the Board. Sec. 4. These By-laws may be repealed or amended at any meeting of the Board, by a vote of a majority of all the members of the Board. Sec. 5. All prior By-laws are hereby repealed. Mr. Scott submitted the following report from the Committee on Catalogues, which was adopted: To the Honorable Board of Trustees: The committee to whom were referred changes in the catalogue and courses of study, met April 9, at the Grand Pacific Hotel. Present, J. R. Scott, S. M. Millard and T. T. Fountain. The Regent was also present and was appointed Secretary. The several changes proposed by the Faculty were approved, including the uniting of the Schools of Agriculture and Horticulture, the Schools of Civil and Mining Engineering, and the discontinuing of the School of Commerce. It was also voted that the permission heretofore allowed to make up the Preparatory Latin necessary for entering the School of English and Modern Languages after entering the University, should be continued, and notice of the same be entered in the catalogue. A large number of verbal amendments to the catalogue were also considered and voted. J. R. SCOTT, S. M. MILLARD, T. T. FOUNTAIN. J. M. GREGORY, SEC'Y. On motion, it was resolved that in the opinion of the Board the old Dormitory Building, having been so damaged by the elements, is unsafe for occupancy, and that, therefore, the Committee on Buildings and Grounds be and are hereby instructed to take such steps as may be necessary to prevent further destruction until such time as the Board can take further action.
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