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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1880 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

134 TRANSACTIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, The Board met at the University parlor on Tuesday, December 17, 1878, at 3:30 P. M. Present—Messrs. Cobb, Mason, McLean, Gardner, Fountain and Pickrell. Absent—Governor Cullom, Messrs. Byrd, Gilham, Brown and Sabin. Mr. T. T. Fountain, appointed member of the Board vice Flagg, deceased, was introduced by the President, the oath of office was administered to him by Judge Brown, and he took his seat with the Board. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Dr. J. M. Gregory read a report on appropriations (part of his full report), which was referred to the Committee on Appropriations and Salaries. Adjourned to meet at the Doane House, in Champaign, at 7 o'clock P. M. EVENING SESSION. The Board assembled as by adjournment. Jno. W. Bunn, the Treasurer, read the following report, which was accepted: ILLINOIS INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY, In account with John W. Bunn, Treasurer. CE. 1878 Sept. 10.. By balance Oct. 1.. " interest on Sangamon county bonds Douglas county district school bonds Oct. 1.. Nov. 30.. ' ' amount rec'd on account of Agricultural Department. Mechanical *' " Architectural '' Horticultural Chemical " " " Buildings and grounds... Fuelandlight " " " Incidentals Fees and room rent Tuition 111. Cent. R. R. freights.... $23,950 43 1,250 00 450 00 $893 26 330 67 1,011 85 29 9 41 65 150 15| 15 50 2,269 001 1,004 50 877 60 6,688 60 $32,339 03
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