Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1880 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
130 No. 1 is a variety known as Plymouth White, and was analyzed by Mr. J. H. Mann. No. 2 is yellow corn, and was analyzed by Mr. J. 0 . Pearman. ANALYSES OF WHEAT. The following table gives the chemical composition of a variety of wheat known as Fultz wheat. Analyses Nos. 1 and 2 were made by Messrs. Slauson and Wilson, respectively, of the wheat grown in 1878: Analyses Nos. 3 and 4 were made by Messrs. Schwartz and Pearman respectively of a specimen of the wheat grown in 1879. Ingredients. Water Starch Sugar Albumen Oil Fiber Ash Total 1 12.40 65.16 4.99 12.79 1.66 1.96 1.95 100.91 2 14.50 63.87 1.50 14.70 1.45 1.82 1.80 99.64 3 13.85 67.50 2.95 10.49 1.22 2.41 1.56 99.98 4 13 09 67.82 3.16 10.49 0.97 2.78 1.68 99.99> ANALYSIS OF FLAX S E E D . The following analysis of flax seed was made by Mr. Boyd. Water Sugar Albumen Oil Fiber Ash Total.... .. . i 7.40 24.99 1.56 11 33 38.00 12.27 4.30 99 85 ANALYSES OF OATS. The two following analyses were made by Mr. C. C. Barnes. The hulls of a known weight of the two varieties wrere separated from the kernels by hand and weighed. The analyses were made of the kernels without the hulls. No. 1 is a common variety; name not known. No. 2 is a variety known as Australian oats. The chemical composition of the oats in 100 parts is as follows: Ingredients. Hulls '. 1 30.0000 8.6632 1.5071 5.5020 .9933 9.5151 43.8103 2 39.0000 7.8110 1.5597 2 9463 1.1010 10.5871 39.0000 Water Ash ; Oil Fiber Albuminoids Sugar ) Starch V Dextrine ) * -