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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

68 a r t m e n t , the remainder of said f a r m to be u n d e r the care and superintendency of t h e ead farmer, who shall account for all produce raised on same in m a n n e r as provided on stock farms. All of which is respectfully submitted. D. D. SABIN, 1 ALEX. MCLEAN, - Committee. JOHN W. BUNN. \ I Adjourned, to meet at University building at 8:30 a. m. SECOND DAY'S SESSION. The board assembled as per adjournment. Prof, flicker's request for fitting up carpenter shop was referred to executive committee, with power to act. The bill of Mr. Hamburgher, clerk of supreme court of the state, to the amount of $25, was audited and allowed. It was decided that the caps for the University battalion be changed from the present " n a v y " pattern in dark blue,—to the regulation cap of the IT. S. infantry, same cloth and trimmings as the uniforms. The committee on purchase of Durham cattle made the followingreport which was accepted: Chairman Board of Tmstees of Illinois Industrial University: Committee to purchase D u r h a m heifers, beg leave t o report t h a t we visited and examined the herds of Messrs. Winslow Sons, K a n k a k e e , and J. G. Clark, Champaign, and corresponded with other parties, and after careful examination we purchased from Mr. J . G. Clark, Champaign, five two-year-olds and one yearling, for the sum of six hundred dollars, and from Messrs. Winslow Sons, K a n k a k e e , four two-year olds, for $386 50, m a k i n g t h e cost of t h e t e n $986 50, being within t h e limit of price we were p e r m i t t e d to pay. Y o u r committee f u r t h e r report that we deemed it inadvisable to p u r c h a s e g r a d e heifers at this time, as requested, or until we a r e f u r t h e r instructed by t h e board. All of which is respectfully submitted, D. GARDNER, ) EMORY COBB, VCommittee. G. E. MORROW. The following report from the business agent was read and received, the bills presented for audit were audited and ordered to be paid: BUSINESS A G E N T ' S REPORT. I L L I N O I S I N D U S T R I A L U N I V E R S I T Y , C H A M P A I G N , I L L S . , Dec. 5, 1877. Hon. Emory Cobb, President of Board of Trustees of Illinois Industrial University: S I R : — 1 h a v e t h e honor to m a k e the following financial report, for t h e t h r e e months ending December 1st, 1877. P a p e r A is a s t a t e m e n t of t h e current appropriations, including receipts and expenditures made u n d e r t h e s a m e . P a p e r B gives t h e p r e s e n t condition of the state appropriations. P a p e r C is a list of w a r r a n t s drawn in the t h r e e months, those from 162 to 220, inclusive, have not been issued, and are presented with vouchers for auditing. A few additional bills for auditing a r e presented in t h e same connection. Respectfully submitted, S. W. SHATTUCK, Business Agent.
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