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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

QQ ranged to supply 300 feet p e r h o u r for each for t h e m a x i m u m n u m b e r of persons in each room. Openings a r e made into ventilating shafts on each floor, and between double joists of hall floor, and e x h a u s t openings in wall and floors of rooms so as to withdraw all foul air rapidly. In t h e laboratories, the gas hoods draw off t h e foul air, and it will pass off through gas flues, so t h a t these rooms will n o t require any other provision for their ventilation, b u t I have p u t in some registers in addition which can be used if necessary. A small blower will be needed t o furnish air u n d e r g r e a t e r p r e s s u r e to forge, furnaces and blow pipes. ESTIMATED COST OP HEATING APPARATUS. Prof. Robinson has obtained most of t h e data for this estimate, and we have made it out together. Large S t u r t e v a n t blower 44 4 Small ' Piping to do Large R o o t ' s safetv boiler 11 Small " 'l Setting boilers 8-horse power engine Pump H e a t e r for t a k i n g lime o u t of water for boilers Smoke pipe Steam pipe 13,000 feet Fittings and valves for do $ 100 00 25 00 100 00 1,150 00 250 00 250 00 500 00 100 00 150 00 40 00 700 00 200 00 $3,565 00 Work p u t t i n g u p probably not to exceed $500 00. Water of condensation in pipes will be r e t u r n e d t o boiler without pumping. I believe this method of heating and ventilation will be most economical and t h e best in all respects, though any other system, if preferred by you, can be adopted without trouble. 3.—THE MODE OF GETTING BID OF NOXIOUS CHEMICAL FUMES. As shown in plans and previously stated, these gases a r e drawn off from t h e place where produced, without being allowed t o escape into t h e rooms at all, and t h e atmosphere of the laboratory should be as p u r e and healthy as t h a t of a n y other building, much more so t h a n of t h e main University building. 4.—WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION. There should be a 500 barrel cistern constructed in t h e ground and supplied from t h e down spouts of t h e roof. This should t h e n be connected by pipes with t h e p u m p s , and t h e n c e with main vertical pipe in corner of store room, which extends u p t o t h e t a n k room in t h e mansard story. On each floor from this extend distributing pipes, which are shown by blue lines on plans, t o supply each wash basin and sink, and desk. These distributing pipes can be p u t between t h e floors, as they will outlast t h e floor unless frozen, and as the laboratory m u s t be k e p t above t h e freezing point which would destroy t h e solutions &c., t h e r e will be no difficulty from t h e same. I t will be necessary t o p u t in these very soon. The main vertical pipe also serves t o fill t a n k in mansard whenever it is necessary, from t h e cistern outside. Ordinarily this t a n k will be filled from t h e deck roof without pumping. I t will be necessary t o r u n a small tell tale pipe % inch bore, down to engine room from tank, t o show t h e janitor when t a n k is full. Overflow pipe from t a n k discharges into main g u t t e r of the building. 5.—THE WASTE P I P E SYSTEM. These pipes cannot be p u t in floors as t h e y a r e liable t o get choked, and will be best set vertically, t o join horizontal pipes below basement story ceiling, which r u n into t h e ends of drains, formed in basement walls. Prof. Weber says th^se should be made of lead t o resist chemical action; p e r h a p s it would be cheaper t o u s e iron, renewing it oftener. 6.—GAS SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION. The gas main enters building on n o r t h end, east of steps, t h e n u n d e r brick paving t o connect with main vertical gas pipe in angle of store room, n e a r water pipe. Gas pipes are shown in green, excepting those serving to light mansard story, which a r e in red. On each floor t h e main pipe sends distributing pipes which carry t h e gas t o each desk, gas hood, blow pipe and b u r n e r or ceiling of t h e story beneath. These b u r n e r s for the story immediately below a r e m a r k e d * ' G ' ' on plans. These gas pipes will need t o be p u t in a t once, or before t h e floor is laid, a t least those which are p u t in t h e floor. The gas and w a t e r can be s h u t off from each story where desired, for repairs, &c., without interfering with those of t h e rest of t h e building. I submit these plans for heating, gas and water, t o your consideration, requesting you to m a k e such modifications or changes as you deem necessary, if they m e e t y o u r a p p r o v -
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