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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

CI including history and political economy, and that of philosophy, including mental science, and logic. W i t h the increase of executive work, it will be impossible for me to do this much longer. T h e best interests of the University will demand that these departments shall be each provided with its separate teacher. Of the work ordered by the board, much has been accomplished, or is in progress. Some has been necessarily delayed, either because the shops have been otherwise employed, or because the appropriation was found inadequate. 1. T h e renovation in the chapel has been delayed for want of time to undertake it. I trust it may be reached during the coming term. 2. The work on the library cases has gone forward as fast as the shops could accomplish it. Some delay has occurred from failure to receive the castings for the railings. I t will now soon be finished, at least as far as the appropriations of this year will allow. 3. T h e appropriation for whitewashing the walls of the carpenter shop was found insufficient. I present the estimates of Prof. Ricker for ceiling, whitening the walls, and painting the wood work of the shop, and for putting some coils in the lumber room, now used for a model room and private shop for the work on the models. As the shop has a considerable sum to its credit from its past earnings, I hope the improvements asked for may be ordered. T h e light and comfort for the shopwork and instruction will be greatly enhanced by these improvements. I t is found that the large electric coil can be rewound in Chicago, but as there is some doubt whether the old wire will make a good coil, it seems to me best policy to increase the appropriation to the amount necessary to have the work done in the best manner with the best materials. 5, Prof. Robinson also asks the usual appropriations for the shop practice classes, and also some appropriations for the necessary materials, and for some additional apparatus for the lectures in physics to be given during the next term. Both of these will come properly from the state appropriation. 6. The appropriation for the purchase of a papyrograph has not yet been expended. On enquiry and personal examination of the two instruments, I conclude that the electric pen will prove best adapted to our work, and I respectfully ask that the appropriation be increased to fifty dollars—the price of the pen and the press accompanying it. I am confident that it will be found of great use in our work, and will save its cost in our printing bills within a year or two, besides giving the advantage of the printing press, in many cases in which we now forego from motives of economy. I t will also save to my office a large amount of clerk work in making copies of letters, etc. 7. The work on the laboratory is now so far advanced that the gas and water pipes and the heating apparatus will demand immediate attention. In anticipation of your meeting I have asked Professors Robinson and Ricker to prepare plans to submit to your inspection. These gentlemen believe that the work can be done in your own shops as well and as cheaply as by any other parties, and as we are constantly in want of work, I would earnestly ask your attention to their plans and statements. 8. The library expenditures have been made according to your di-
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