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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 [PAGE 41]

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41 B O A R D M E E T I N G S E P T E M B E R 11, 1877. T h e board assembled in the University parlor at 3.30 P . M. Present Messrs. Brown, Cobb, Flagg, Gardner, McLean, Mason, Pickrell and Sabin. Absent Gov. Cullom, Messrs. Gillham and Byrd. Letters were received from Messrs. Gillham and Byrd expressing their regret not to be able to attend this meeting. T h e minutes of the last meeting, also those^ of the meeting of the executive committee held since, were read and approved. I t was moved that the question of location of the chemical laboratory be taken from the table. Carried. Remarks on the subject were made by Dr. Gregory, Messrs. Brown, Gardner, Flagg and Pickrell. Afterwards a recess was taken to examine the grounds and locations proposed. Adjourned to meet at 7:30, in Doane house. EVENING SESSION. Board assembled at the hour appointed. Mr. Flagg, chairman from committee on green house, made the following report : THE REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON T H E GREEN HOUSE. Your committee respectfully report that having- examined the old green house, and the plans and estimates furnished by Prof. Burrill, we came to the conclusion that the only practicable thing to be done, in consideration of the small appropriation, is to remove the old green house to such site as may be selected by the full board, and to improve and repair it. In making- such removal we recommend that it be done by day labor, under the immediate direction of Prof. Burrill or Mr. Hays, that the rafters be replaced with stronger and more durable timber, that the base wall be built lower and that propagating- houses be added on the side opposite the brick front. In making these the sash now on hand can be used: and the whole green house made g-ood as new within the appropriation. • Did our means permit, a larger and more handsome structure would be preferred. We recommend that so far as practicable the present structure be remodeled with reference to producing a better architectural effect, both immediately and when additions become necessary. Also that if practicable, the rooms used for a laboratory and potting room, be enlarged. W. C. FLAGG, J. H. PICKUELL, D. GARDNER. T h e report was received and the recommendations concurred in. Mr. Flagg, from committee on degrees, made the following r e p o r t : REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON DEGREES. Your committee respectfully report that the change in the organic law in reference to the granting of degrees by the trustees of this institution, having been procured on the petition of the alumni, it seems proper to give the subject matter due examination, and report accordingly. It was evidently the intention of the law of 1867, which, in its regulatory features, is substantially the bill presented by the Illinois state agricultural society for the consideration of the legislature in 1865, to abolish so far as this institution was concerned, the practice then and now much abused, of granting degrees to ignorant persons, and to substitute a certificate of the actual attainments of the pupil. We are not informed as to all the reasons that led to this action : but then and now we find that the practice of giving degrees grows more and more a matter of indifference, if not dislike, to the large majority of our people. Up to the present time the board, in accordance with an organic law, have granted certificates showing the number of terms devoted by the student to any study, and his standing, as estimated by his teachers in each of the studies pursued. The certificate, if accurate, gives his precise standing as a student. We have therefore thought it well to