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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

33 T h e board met in the secretary's office at 3 P . M. Present Messrs. Gardner, McLean and Sabin. Mr. Gardner was elected chairman. Iso quorum being present, the board, on motion, adjourned to meet at 9 o'clock, A. M. SECOND DAY'S SESSION. The board met as per adjournment and took a recess until 2.30 P . M. for the review of the University battalion and the commencement exercises. The board assembled at 2.30 o'clock, P . M. Present Messrs. Cobb, Gardner, Flagg, McLean, Pickrell and Sabin. Absent Gov. S. M. Cullom, Messrs. Bird, Brown, Gillham and Mason. Messrs. Flagg and McLean presented their commissions and took the oath of office. A letter from Col. Mason was read, regretting his inability to be present at the meeting. The regent then made an oral report on a bill from the faculty in reference to conferring degrees, which was referred to a committee consisting of Messrs. Flagg, McLean and Pickrell. The regent reported the names of persons recommended by the faculty to receive such certificates, as they may be entitled to, and the certificates were granted to the following stlidents : FULL CERTIFICATES. GENTLEMEN. RESIDENCE. Abbott, Theodore S p e r r y . . Allen, Charles Wesley Barry, Charles H a r t Barry, F r a n k Blackall, Clarence H Brush, Charles E Bucking-ham, William Bumstead, J a m e s E Clay, L u t h e r G Crow, B. F Elliott, Charles G l e a s o n . . . Faulkner, Richard D Gibson, Charles Brockway Gilkerson, Hiram .\ Gilkerson, J o h n Kennedy, Allen G Lewellen, Joseph C Lewis, Edward V McPherson, J o h n J r Moore, J o h n F r e m o n t Rice, George Clark Seymour, J o h n J a m e s Sim, Coler Lindley Spence, Franklin Stayman, J o h n Mather Stoddard, Ira J. J r Ward, W a l t e r P Whitham, Robert F , Wright, Myron J e r o m e Min. E . . . . . . . . L. & S L. & S. & Mil L. & S. & Mil Arch. &.Mil... Arch M. E. & Mil... L. & S Hort, & Mil.. Arch C. E L. & S Chem. & Mil.. A g ' l & Mil.... L. & S C. E. & Mil... Arch A g ' l &Mil C. E Arch L. & S C. E. & Mil... Chem. & Mil.. Arch M. & E C. E & M i l . . . . L. & S C. E . & Mil... Ag'l Union Grove, Harristown. Alton. St. Louis, Mo. Chicago. Carbondale. Chicago. Marengo. Cobden. Woodbine, Iowa. Tonica. Clement, Springfield, Vt. Ney. E a u Claire, Wis. Sterling. Chatham. Rockford. Davenport, Iowa. Fithian. Seymour. Urbana. Hamilton. Champaign. Pella, Iowa. |Terre H a u t e . Fairfax, Iowa. Woodstock. 3
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