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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
32 On motion, the resolutions were laid over till the next meeting of the board. Mr. Blackburn offered the following resolution. Resolved, That a committee of t h r e e be appointed to consider and act in t h e m a t t e r of obtaining- f u r t h e r legislation in regard t o t h e University, as by reccommendation in r e g e n t ' s report. Carried. Messrs. Sabin, Pickrell and Gardner, were appointed such committee. On motion, Messrs. Flagg, Blackburn and Gardner] were appointed a committee on the reduction of salaries, with instructions to report at the next meeting. Mr. Sabin moved to refer the stock farm to the executive committee, to rent, lease or sell the same, was lost. T h e reports of Prof. Morrow and head-farmer Lawrence were now taken up. There were appropriated $25 for the purchase of seeds and tubes, also $25 for fertilizers in agricultural experiments. T h e purchase of a cornplanter was authorized, and the subject of drainage referred to Messrs. Gardner and Flagg. The purchase of short horn bull and heifer or cow, Jersey bull and six sheep, was authorized, subject to approval of executive committee in each case. T h e proposed fitting up of a dairy aud purchase of milch cows was referred to Messrs. Gardner and Flagg. The following appropriations were made upon request from Prof. W e b b , for the department of civil engineering, $17.00; for tools, box and bulletin board, $11.00. For the purchase of chemicals $60.00 were' appropriated. Prof. Burrill's report from the horticultural department was then taken up. Head farmer Lawrence was directed to sell surplus stock from nurseries; the purchase of apple seed and cherry stock was authorized. The qnestion of planting additional shade trees and purchase of lawn mower were referred to Mr. Gardner. The regent and Professors Burrill and Morrow were instructed to take action and prosecute parties in order to protect the university buildings and grounds from petty thieving. Prof. Robinson's report from mechanical department was taken up, and $50 granted for tools and shops, also $15 for current expense in physical laboratory. The report of the treasurer was referred to Dr. Gregory and Mr. Gardner. Paper etc. of the report of business agent in regard to gas burners was referred to Messrs. Gardner and business agent with power to act. On motion, Mr. Blackburn, the matter of reduction of prices for certain work for Prof. Robinson was referred to a committee consisting of Mr. Gardner, business agent, and foreman of shop. T h e following report of the auditing committee was received and adopted. To the honorable board of trustees: Y o u r committee t o whom was referred t h e t r e a s u r e r ' s report, have examined his vouchers from 369 t o 719 inclusive, and from 1 t o 345 inclusive, and find t h e m correct. J. M. GREGORY. D. GARDNER. Adjourned.
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