Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
26 STATEMENT of current ON ACCOUNT apjyropriations OF and receipts, February i 28, 181 ht UNEXPENDED. ! EXPENDED. A P P R O - ! RECEIPTS. | PRIATED. Salaries $18,128 33250 00! 400 00i Fuel and lights 2,500 00 300 00 Stationery and printing* Tools, repairs &c 55 00 Mechanical d e p a r t m e n t 120 00 666 62 Architectural "" 1,323 08 88 00 Horticultural *'4 70 68 92 11 Chemical * 95 51 i Military *; (band instruments) .. , Drawing* models 40 00 500 00, Incidental expense 300 00; State appropriation—veterinary d e p a r t m e n t . . 796 94 4 ' *' — building's and g r o u n d s . . 607 70 Special appropriation, eng\ t r a n s i t clock 570 00 -• ** hot. dept. microscopes 82 00 200 00 •• -• physical laboratory 20 00 k *' ' ladies' g y m n a s i u m 25 00 ** -' centennial exposition. '' *' p r e p a r a t o r y dep' t F i x t u r e s and f u r n i t u r e 100 00 Illinois Central Railroad—freights Fees and room rents $270 00 $17,683 95 170 50 41 00 637 62 2,271 18 348 68! 218 51 63 55 1,366 84, 1,689 50 656 63 1,371 59 5,240 35; 3,475 41 295 34^ 145 25 9 51 29 35! 70 10 347 30 244 59 97 71 34 92 577 91 208 94 9 01 39 70 19 30 56 74 50 00 34 98 33 89 24 05 675 00 152 93 $714 38 79 50 196 62 577 50 81 49 211 21 48 34 3,088 02 6 72 7 23 2 20 63 32 120 41 787 93 568 00 550 70 95 36 150 00 14 98 8 89 24 05 1,171 00 52 93 18 46 1,216 35 3,384 00; C B " — L I S T OF W A R R A N T S DRAWN. TO WHOM. 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 183f 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 AMOUNT. W. C. Flag*g* A.B.Blackburn D.D. Sabin : J. J. Bird R. B. Mason Mrs. J e n n i e Hollister J. F . Moore A. Snedeker Walker Bros J. Schroeder Stearns & Co Brown Bros D. L. Risk J. M. Gregory L. W. Robinson L. W. Shattuck T. J. Burrill Snyder C. Taft B. Webb C. Pickard C. Ricker D. Crawford A. Weber L. Lawrence Lou. C. Allen F . W. P r e n t i c e A. C. Swartz I. O. B a k e r F . A. Parsons M. A. Scovell I Expense to meeting* j *' *' ! '* ** i *' *' j ** '' j Rent of piano two t e r m s j Work on drawing's, chemical library. — j Casting's . Mirror Agricultural drawings &c. 1 barrel stucco Hardware 10 head stock cattle Salary December, 1876. ... 17 00 18 50 18 40 21 70 12 75 6 00 5 45 34 52 7 50 105 00 3 00 133 26 245 45 333 33 166 66 166 66 166 66 166 66 166 66 166 66 166 66 125 00 125 00 150 00 100 00 120 00 100 00 75 00 75 00 75 00 60 00