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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

238 S A X I F R A G A C E ^ E — S A X I F R A G E FAMILY. R I S E S , Currant, Gooseberry. grossularia, Garden or English GooseberrjJ, cultivated for fruit from E u r o p e b u t liable t o mildew in most of its varieties. hirtellum, native, Vasey; Cook county, Babcock; Chambaign county. Houg-hton's Seedling- is of this species. Fuller. rotundifolium, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock; F u l t o n county, Wolf; Madison county. Champaign. Cultivated somewhat. cynobasti, native, Vasey; north, Bebb. lacustre, Swamp Gooseberry, native. Grundy county, Brendel; Champaig-n county. rubrum, tied and White Currant, cultivated from Europe, b u t is native n o r t h of o u r state. floridum, Wild Black Currant—native. L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock; Fulton county, Wolf; Champaign county, Macauley. nigrum, Garden Black Currant, cultivated from E u r o p e . sanguineum, Red-flowered Currant, cultivated for ornament from Oregon and California. aureum, Golden, Buffalo or Missouri Currant, native, Vasey; or introduced, Gray; cultivated for ornament. P H I L A D E L P H U S , Mock Orange, Syringa, o r n a m e n t a l shrubs. coronarius—cultivated for ornament, probably from J a p a n . latif olius—cultivated. gordonianus—cultivated from Oregon for o r n a m e n t . DEUTZIA, flowering shrubs from J a p a n and China. Cultivated for o r n a m e n t . gracilis, often found in green nouses. crenata, common in cultivation. scabra, seldom cultivated. Not hardy n o r t h . HYDRANGEA, house plants t u r n e d out for summer. hortensia, Common Hydrangea, cultivated from China and J a p a n . quercifolia, cultivated from Georgia. aboresens, native. L a p h a m ; Fulton county, Wolf; Peoria and St.Clair counties, Brendel. PARNASSIA, Grass of Pyrnassus, perennials. carolinana, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock; Champaign county. palustris, native, L a p h a m . HEUCHERA, Alum Root, perennial. americana, Common Alum Root, native, L a p h a m . hispida, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock. rugellii, Shuttlew, Union county, Forbes; J a c k s o n ; F r e n c h . SAXIFRAGA, Saxifrage forbsii. Vasey, Jackson county. Forbes; Union, Vasey. pensylvanica, Swamp Saxifrage, native, Vasey; north, Bebb; Cook county, Babcock. crassifolia, cultivated from Siberia, for o r n a m e n t . sarmentosa, Beefsteak Saxifrage Strawberry Geranium, cultivated as a house plant, from China and J a p a n . Not quite h a r d y n o r t h . japonica, perennial MITELLA, Mitre Work, Bishop's Cap. diphylla, native, Vasey; common, Brendel; Cook county, Babcock. C R A S S U L A C E — O R P I N E FAMILY. PENTHORUM, Ditch Stone Crop sedoides, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Baccock; Champaign county, Macauley. SEMPERVJVUM, House Leek, tectorum, cultivated from E u r o p e . SEDUM, Stone Crop, Orpine, perennials. sieboldii, cultivated from J a p a n for o r n a m e n t . Not hardy. t e r n a t u m , native, Lapham. telephium, Garden Oi^pine, Live Forever, cultivated from Europe. acre, Mossy Stone Crop or Wall Pepper, cultivated from Europe for edging, e t c . pulchellum, native, G r a y . c a r n e u m variegatum, cultivated for borders, origin u n k n o w n . HAMAMELACE^E—WITCH H A Z E L FAMILY. Shrubs or Trees. HAMAMELIS, Witch Hazel. |p*w= Virginia, native, Vasey; north, Bebb; Wabash county, Ridge way. LIQU1DAMBAR, Sweet Gum Tree or Bilsted. styraciflua. native, L a p h a m ; Randolph, Johnson, Pulaski, Massac, Pope, Alexander, Union, Jackson, Perry, Jefferson and Wabash (Geological Report, & c ) . Mr. Ridgeway measured a t r e e n e a r Mt. Carmel, 144 feet high, with a t r u n k of 70 feet, and a girth of 17 feet. Prof. Swallow measured one in Cape Girardeau county, Mo., 130 feet high, and 15 feet in circumference. Cultivated for o r n a m e n t . Grows as f a r n o r t h as Massachusetts on t h e Atlantic, b u t does not seem to extend n o r t h of R a n dolph county in Illinois.
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