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Noisette roses, and the Bengal pompons, e t c . , are m i n a t u r e forms of similar origin, gallica, French, or Province red roses, cultivated from south of E u r o p e . V e r y h a r d y . centifolia, Hundred-leaved, or Cabbage Rose, p e r h a p s derived from preceding. Pompon roses are miniature varieties. Moss roses are abnormal s t a t e s . Used for rose water, essence of roses, e t c . damascena, Damask Rose, cultivated from Asia, and preferred for a t t a r of roses, and rose water, alba, White Rose, cultivated from E u r o p e , spinosissima, Burnet or Scotch Rose, cultivated from E u r o p e , sulphurea, cultivated from Asia. ' k The g r e a t e r p a r t of t h e modern g a r d e n roses too m u c h mixed by crossing and changed by variation to be subjects of botanical s t u d y . " Gray. CRATAEGUS, Haw Thorn, White Thorn, small t r e e s or shrubs, with hard wood, p y r a e a n t h a , European Thorn, cultivated for ornament from Europe, cordata, Washington Thorn, planted from the Atlantic States for ornament, and occasionally as a hedge plant, oxyacantha, English Haw Thorn, cultivated for o r n a m e n t from E u r o p e , arborescens, Union and A l e x a n d e r counties. Wolf, coccinea, Scarlet Fruited Thorn, native, L a p h a m ; Vasey, Cook county, Babcock; Fulton county. Wolf ; Wabash county, Ridgway; Champaign county, tomentosa, Black or Pear Thorn, native, Fulton county, Wolf; Champaign county, Macauley ; Cook county, Babcock; Wabash county, Ridgway. This species, Gray thinks, susceptible of valuable development. I t is eaten fresh by the Indians, and mixed with choke cherries and service berries, which are bruised, t h e n pressed into cakes for winter use. v a r . flabellifolia—Wolf, v a r . pyrifolia, Fulton county, Wolf. var. punctata, Fulton county, Wolf, var. mollis, Fulton county, Wolf; Champaign, crus-galli, Cockspur Thorn—native, L a p h a m ; Fulton county, Wolf; Wabash county, Ridgway; Champaign county, flava, Summer Haw,t native, Wabash county, Ridgway. " A l l the tribe are highly ornamental, small trees, whether considered in flower, fruit or f o l i a g e . ' ' —Thomas Meehan. COTONEASTER, hardy shrub. vulgaris, cultivated from E u r o p e for o r n a m e n t . AMELANCHIER, June Berry. Service Berry. canadensis, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock ; Fulton county, Wolf ; Wabash county, Ridge way; Champaign county. The service berry is no doubt susceptible of improvement to the extent of becoming a valuable fruit. ' ' This shrub grows in t h e m o u n t a i n s of California, Oregon, U t a h and Alaska, and t h e berries a r e e a t e n both fresh and dried for winter use, by all the Indians. They are used by white settlers also, who call them shad b e r r i e s . They are good when fresh, and when dry have an agreeable taste, are excellent for mixing with pemican (preserved meat) and when boiled in broth of fat meat, are a dainty dish and used in all the Indian f e a s t s . " R e p . Dept. Agr., 1860. The varieties botryapium, oblongifolia, rotundifolia, and alnifolia all occur in this State. P Y R U S , Pear, Apple, Chokeberry, Rowan, Quince. communis, Pear, cultivated from E u r o p e for its fruit. I n Minnesota, its existence, since the severe winter of 1871-2, has been precarious, and it can hardly be called hardy in Minnesota or southern Illinois. The Flemish Beauty is t h e hardiest of the well-known varieties. In southern Illinois, it blights worse from the more favorable conditions of fungus growth. The native habits and habitats of the pear a r e worth noticing. " T h e plant, " says Loudon, " i s always found on a dry soil, and more frequently on plains t h a n on hills and m o u n t a i n s . "* * According to Withering, it grows in hedges and woody wastes. I t loves, he says, a fertile soil and sloping ground«, and will not t h r i v e well in wet bottoms, malus, Common Apple, cultivated from E u r o p e . This is a hypothetical species; as, unlike t h e pear, the apple cannot be referred, with any confidence, to any wild original. I t is commonly referred to t h e wild crab of E u r o p e , b u t by some to t h e Asiatic sorts, and by some to several species, spectabilis, Chinese Flowering Apple, cultivated for o r n a m e n t from China, prunifolia, Siberian Crab Apple, cultivated from Asia, for fruit and ornament, coronaria, American Wild Crab Apple, native through all t h e prairie counties, and probably t h r o u g h o u t the s t a t e . The Soulard Crab seems to be an enlarged and improved variety, I have heard of variations or hybrids in Madison, Mercer and Clark counties, angustifolia, Narrow Leaved Crab, p e r h a p s only a variety of the last, native, W a s h ington county, Vasey. arbutifolia, Choke-berry n a t i v e . Cook county, Babcock. Americana, American Mountain Ash, native*! Tazewell county, Brendel; cultivated for o r n a m e n t , aucuparia, European Rowan Tree, or Mountain Ash - c u l t i v a t e d for ornament, from Europe. CYDONIA, Quince. vulgaris, cultivated from t h e Levant for its fruit. Not hardy in t h e n o r t h p a r t of t h e state, japonica, Japan Quince—cultivated from J a p a n for o r n a m e n t and may be used for hedges. T e n d e r north.