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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

157 the home. And this industry involves principles of science, as many and as profound as those which control any other human employment. TECHNICAL STUDIES. Food and Dietetics.—This study extends through two terms. The first term is devoted to the consideration of the simple aliments, such as sugar, starch, the albuminoids, fats, etc. In the second term, the studies include the compound aliments: chemical structure of the cereals, especially the wheat; the chemistry of bread-making, care of milk and butter; the nature, uses, preservation and preparation of animal and vegetable food, for the healthful, and for the invalids; the chemistry of cooking; chemical composition, preparation and physiological effects of the beverages, such as tea, coffee, chocolate, etc., and the effects of alcoholic drinks. Domestic Hygiene.—Location of dwelling houses, importance of drainage, uncleanliness as a source of disease; necessity of ventilation and sunlight; uses, construction, material and hygiene of dress; princip l e s of nursing and care of the sick. Household Esthetics.—Principles of taste as applied to ornamentation, furniture, wall and ceiling decorations, carpets, pottery, clothing and landscapes, harmony of colors, forms, proportions, etc. Household Science.—Principles of heating and ventilation, chemistry of illumination, materials of culinary utensils, tin, iron, brass, etc.; adulterations of foods. Domestic Economy.—Econony of time, management of servants, government and instruction of children, household expenditures. Usages of society. Laws of etiquette, social customs, etc. Home Architecture.—Principal architectural styles, as Grecian, Roman, Gothic, Renaissance, modern gothic, etc.; exterior of the house; general characteristics; interiors, chief requisites, convenience, light, warmth, etc.; requirements of different apartments, programmes for designs," as of cottages of various styles and capacity, farm houses, villas, etc.; internal decoration and construction; sanitary requisites, cellars, walls, water supply, etc. Landscape drawing and green-house work, see school of horticulture. For other studies see the proper schools. HEALTH AND PHYSICAL TRAINING. A spacious gymnasium for young women has been fitted up in the library wing, and instruction in calisthenics is given to two or more classes daily. Lectures on health, and its conditions, and on other important topics, will be delivered to these classes, at suitable intervals, and great pains will be taken to secure, to the utmost possible extent, physical vigor, robust health, and a graceful carriage, and to prepare young women to take enlightened care of their own health, and the health of others under their charge. The materials for the calisthenic uniform must be made up under the direction of the instructor of this department. The trustees desire that all female students shall participate in these exercises unless excused for good cause. They have been witnessed
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