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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

114 Van Osdel, Chicago, 111., 41 Clark street, from June the nineteenth to June the twentyfifth, 1877, and at the University from June the twenty-seventh to July the ninth, 1877. The trustees reserve the right to reject any and all bids. EMORY COBB, President, URBANA, 111., June 6th, 1877. On the 25th day of June, 1878, your committee met at the University building and opened the bids made in accordance with said notice as follows: To Walker & Stayman, of Champaign, was awarded the making of nineteen desks for laboratory, at his bid to-wit: One hundred and nineteen dollars and fifty-four cents ($119 54) each. And to J. C. Lewellin, of Illinois Industrial University machine shops, was awarded the furnishing of heating apparatus and remainder of furnishings necessary for said laboratory, according to plans and specifications, for the sum of six thousand, five hundred and seven dollars and thirty cents. And on consideration of bid of W. A. Moore, of Urbana, for plumbing, was rejected, and ordered that Mr. Gardner have the same done at lowest price and best workmanship. We further report that we have examined the workmanship and material used in the completion of it, and find it equal to the specifications. There is some finishing yet to be "done on the desks, but from the fact that the bowls are not ready yet, the contractor has to wait their reception before completing same. We refer to the report of architect N. Clifford Ricker for particulars, and make same part of this report. CHAMPAIGN, Sept. 10th, 1878. To the building Committee of the Hon. Board of Trustees, of the Illinois Industrial University: GENTLEMEN:—I have the honor to report to you as follows: The heating apparatus is nearly completed, a few connections, &c, only remaining to be made, and the shafting, belts, &c, to be put in place. As you may see, the boilers are set coil of steam pipes complete, engine pump and fan are complete and set. The hot air pipes are also in place, the registers in mansard story being still to be put in. Mr. Walker's contract is nearly completed, the principal items still incomplete being: 1. Cutting holes for wash bowls. 2. Furnishing and putting on angle castings which fasten regent's cases to tables. 3. Furnishing and putting on sash fastenings, and lock plates, &c, for doors and drums. One hundred dollars will, I believe, complete these items. The contract of architectural shops is also nearly finished. The things remaining to be done are: 1. Sash pulleys and weights for sashes in private laboratory and gas hoods. The pulleys are ordered, sash weights now being cast at Illinois Industrial University foundry. 2. Case for specimens and models in lecture room. Sash, panels and table are made. There seems to be some uncertainty as to whether this case was ordered by your committee or not, and the records do not decide the point. There are several items also incomplete which are to be furnished directly by the University. 1. Water Tank.—The iron and rivets were obtained, ready to put together, from Crane Bro's, Chicago. Mr. P. Sullivan, of Urbana, agreed to build the tank for $35, but owing to delay in getting the materials, Mr. Sullivan obtained a job in Danville, and declines to carry out the agreement. Mr. J. Reedy, of the Illinois Central railroad, offers to do the work for $65. Mr. Gardner directed me to leave the matter until your meeting, and write to other parties. 2. Wash Bowls.—These could not be obtained ready made, and are being manufactured at New York, but have not yet been received. 3. Gas Flues from Gas Hoods.—These cannot be permanently fixed until the bowls are set in the desks. The supply of rain water to the cistern can be much increased by connecting southwest conductor with the south cistern, which can easily be done by running a conductor along the ceiling of southwest room in basement. This would not cost over $25, and I recommend that it be done. I would also recommend that as it may become necessary to place steam heating coils in the halls, in addition to the apparatus already provided, a sufficient sum be reserved until the heating apparatus can be fully tested. $250 would be ample. Respectfully submitted, N. CLIFFORD RICKER. We would also report that the contractors, N. C. Terrill & Co,, have been fully paid all demands whatsoever, and the receipts in full for same are filed with voucher No. 651, of July 1st, 1878. And further that the contractors under the award of bids, and other parties that have furnished materials and labor in and about said premises have been paid for said labor and material certain sums of money as per schedule herewith attached, and made part of this report.
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