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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
115 Drawn on Chemical Laboratory building—Account from June 1, 1878, to August 31, 1878. FOR WHAT DRAWN. TO WHOM DRAWN. •AMOUNT. 1878. June July Aug-. Cleaning and gradingIA. B . Baker Balance on contract N. C. Terrill & Co Service as architect and plans N. C. Kicker Services as consulting- architect J . M. V a n Osdel Pipe, sheet, lead, etc Garden City Lead Pipe Co Apparatus Whitall, T a t u m & Co 85 p e r cent, on chemical lab. desks iWalker & Stayman I n t e r Ocean Publishing- C o . . . Advertising135 barrels cement N . A. Williams AdvertisingIllinois State J o u r n a l Digging 1 well, 2 cisterns I (Richard Cox ;Crane Bro' s Manufacturing- Co H a r d w a r e Supt. service 1 month 763 Seeley Brown |20 yards sand 765jWm. J e n k i n s Plumbing771'john O. Neil 13Ji days mason work 769 J a m e s M. Smith Cement 779|N. A. Williams 13l/2 days labor 790'John Screiber Work on plans j 795 Mary Page H e a t i n g a p p a r a t u s , engine, &c 8011Mechanical d e p a r t m e n t ! 807iCrane Bro' s Manufacturing-Co H a r d w a i e Grading I 814: Agricultural d e p a r t m e n t Estimate of work, desks j 817 j Walker & Stayman F i x t u r e s in chemical laboratory 819;Agricultural d e p a r t m e n t Amount paid j $ 36 12 6, 896 18 120 00 25 00 207 37 25 01 1,151 00 16 05 54 25 10 50 38 00 215 60 100 00 25 00 100 00 29 81 26 35 16 87 8 93 4,629 35 343 27 188 85 780 00 1,264 58 16,308 09 19,777 23 36,085 32 Which shows a total expended in the erection, grading and furnishing said laboratory, and paid to Sept. 11, 1878, a m o u n t i n g to t h i r t y six thousand, eighty five dollars and thirty two cents. We would f u r t h e r submit t h e estimates made by Profs. Shattuck and Bicker, to complete the furnishing of said laboratory for p r e s e n t use, viz: Estimates of amounts yet to be paid on CJiemical Laboratory. $ 100 00 300 00 160 00 340 00 65 00 300 00 50 00 150 00 200 00 150 00 150 00 800 00 150 00 250 00 200 00 160 00 Plumbing 152 wash bowls 20,000 brick Balance to Walker & Stayman Tank Hot air flues Condensing a p p a r a t u s , etc Specimen case Other small bills E x t r a work from arch d e p a r t m e n t E x t r a work from mechanical d e p a r t m e n t . Bottles for desks Chairs Extra heaters Gas flues Contingent $3,400 00 It was recommended by Prof. Weber, and deemed necessary by your committee, to dig two cisterns and one well, to furnish an ample supply of w a t e r for t h e laboratory, which was done u n d e r the direction of Mr. Brown, assistant superintendent, t o g e t h e r with the g r a d i n g around the building. We would recommend t h a t so far as the state appropriation will permit, t h a t the items of furnishings, as set forth in estimates submitted by Profs. Shattuck & Bicker, heretofore r e f e r r e d to, be ordered and finished according to plant- and specifications. Respectfully submitted, ALEX. McLEAN, ) D. GARDNER, ^Committee. R. B. MASON. i
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