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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1874 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

M Report of the APPARATUS. Collections of specimens and illustrative apparatus are being rapidly provided by purchase, manufacture.and donation. In BOTANY the School has an extensive and valuable Herbarium, collected by several expeditions, and largely increased from other sources,- also a Lignarium exhibiting woods in section. I t has a fine collection of enlarged papier-mache models of flowers and fruits, made by Dr. Auzoux, of Paris, and dissected to exhibit perfectly the most minute organs and tissues ; among these are a pink, a papilionaceous flower, a cherry, a strawberry, a pea-pod with peas, a vetch legume, a grain of wheat, etc. The Green-bouses, Arboretum and Botanical Garden are open to the students of this School. See page —. In ZOOLOGY the Cabinets contain : a human skeleton, purchased in Paris, and a manikin made by Dr. Auzoux; skeletons of a cow and other mammals, and of birds ; stuffed preparations of a large number of birds, mammals, fishes, reptiles, etc.; a dissected horse's leg and hoof, a dissected eye, trachea, and vocal apparatus, in papier-mache, by Dr. Auzoux; collections of shells, fossils and insects. In ENTOMOLOGY : Dr. LeBaron, State Entomologist, required by law to make collections for the University, is preparing a full suite of specimens. A large number have been received. In GEOLOGY : a complete collection of specimens from the State Geological survey. In MINERALOGY, PALAEONTOLOGY, ETC.; large collections, with preparations of ores. There is also a large dissolving view camera and slides, for illustrating Astronomy, Geology, Zoology and History. COLLEGE OF LITERATURE AND SCIENCE. FACULTY. The REGENT, Professor SNYDER, Professor STUART, Professor SHATTUCK, Instructor CRAWFORD, Professsr Professor T A F T , Instructor PATCHIN. SCHOOLS. PICKARD, Professor BURRILL, School of English and Modern Languages ; School of Ancient Languages and Literature. ADMISSION. Candidates for admission to either of these Schools must have the qualifications prescribed on page 21, and for the School of Ancient Languages and Literature, they will, in addition, be examined in Latin Grammar, Elementary Latin Prose Composition (Harkness or Arnold), four books of Caesar's Commentaries, six orations of Cicero, and six books of the iEneid, or other selections from the same or other authors of equal amount and like character; also, in Greek Grammar, three books of Xenophon7s Anabasis, and twenty-four exercises in Arnold's Greek Prose Composition.
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