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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1874 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Illinois Industrial University. 137 Counties arranged, according to the value of Manufactured Products, per capita. $100 or 80 or 60 or 40 or over over.. over.. over.. Adams, Cook, Kane, Madison, Pooria, Eock Island, St. Clair, "Winnebago Marshall, Randolph Alexander, Knox, Lee, McLean, Montgomery, Pulaski, Tazewell, "Whiteside Boone, Christian, Clinton, Coles, Henderson, Jersey, JoDavioss, LaSalle, Logan, Macon, Macoupin, Marion, Massac, Menard, Monroe, Morgan, Pike, Richland, Union, Wabash, Wayne, Will Brown, Carroll, Cm< • 'Champaign, Clark, DeKalb, DeWitt, DuPagc, Edgar, Ef„ iiugham, Fayette, Fulton,' Gallatin, Greene, Hamilton, Hancock, Henry, Iroquois, Jackson, Kankakee, Kendall, Lake, Mason, Mcllenry, Putnam, Sangamon, Schuyler, Scott, Shelby, Stark, Stephenson. Vermilion, Warren, White, Williamson, Woodford Bond, Bureau, Calhoun, Clay, Crawford, Cumberland. Douglas, Edwards, Ford, Franklin, Grundy, Hardin, Jasper, Jefferson, Johnson, Lawrence, Livingston, MoDonough, Mercer, Moultrie, Ogle, Perry, Piatt, Pope, Saline, Washington.. 20 or over. 36 Under $20. m Total Wealth, Census 1870. COUNTIESSquare miles. Population, 1870. Valuation, 1870. Per section. Per capita. Adams Alexander.. Bond Boone Brown Bureau Calhoun Carroll Cass Champaign .. Christian Clark Clay Clinton Coles Cook Crawford Cumberland . DeKalb DeWitt Douglas DuPage Edgar Edwards Effingham . . . Fayette Ford Franklin Fulton Gallatin Greene Grundy Hamilton Hancock Hardin Henderson... Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper Jefferson . . . . Jersey JoDavioss . . . Johnson Kane Kankakee KendaU Knox Lake LaSalle 828 220 378 288 296 867 255 446 379 1,008 709 509 468 489 523 982 435. 350 648 405 408 338 631 233 486 720 480 422 878 326 546 432 1 431 773 176 386 828 1,132 1 582 | 506 574 365 609 336 540 696 324 720 478 1,152 ' 56, 362 10, 564 13,152 12, 942 12, 205 32, 415 6, 562 16, 705 11,580 32, 737 20, 363 18, 719 15, 875 16, 285 25,235 349, 966 13, 889 12,223 23,265 1 14, 768 13, 484 16, 685 21,450 7, 565 15, 653 19, 638 9,103 12, 652 38,291 11,134 1 20,277 1 14, 938 13, 014 35, 935 5,113 12,582 35, 506 25, 782 19, 634 11, 234 17, 864 15,054 27, 820 11,248 39, 091 24, 352 12, 399 39,522 21,014 60,792 1 $50,748, 596 6, 212, 829 9, 706,196 11, 700, 000 I 6, 727, 024 1 25, 000, 000 1 2, 593, 216 12,265, 000 10,901, 844 22, 719, 680 17, 800, 332 10, 367,636 9, 043, 612 10, 507, 676 17, 642, 432 575, 000, 000 6, 899, 724 6, 389, 756 23, 769, 785 10, 026, 668 9, 393, 804 10, 500,000 17, 338, 040 4, 694, 288 9, 366, 308 10, 732,132 8, 563, 736 4, 858, 756 26, 070, 096 4, 940, 056 15, 724, 516 10, 628,165 4,821,792 23, 956, 008 1, 688, 572 9,247, 374 30, 000, 000 12, 462. 687 12, 559, 880 5, 706, 832 11,391, 676 11,891,272 i 11,796,560 j 3,922, 632 22,890, 389 14, 068,480 10, 801, 080 20,094,620 18,930,128 42,972, 474 ' $61,290 27, 932 25, 677 40,625 22,726 28,835 10,169 27, 500 28,764 22, 539 25,106 20,349 19,324 21,488 33, 733 585,540 15, 661 18,256 36, 681 24, 757 23, 024 31,005 27, 486 20,147 19, 272 14,905 17, 862 11, 501 29, 578 15,153 28,800 24, 593 11,185 30,979 9, 594 23, 956 36,231 11,009 21,580 11,278 19,846 32,578 19,370 11,674 60,908 20,213 33, 336 36,242 39,602 37,302 ' $900 588 749 904 551 771 395 734 941 602 874 553 569 645 698 1,643 496 522 1,021 678 695 629 808 620 598 541 940 384 083 443 776 711 370 666 330 734 844 483 639 508 637 790 420 348 841 577 871 660 900 706
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