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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES, Etc. Statement of Receipts, Expenditures, State Appropriations Expended, and condition of Endoivment Fund, as presented to the Board Meeting, September 4, 1873. The Becording Secretary presented the following statement of receipts and expenditures, also statement of invested funds : Statement of receipts and expenditures from current funds and State appropriations, from March 1, 1873, to August 31, 1873. Balance on hand March 1, 1873 Interest on Sangamon county bonds '' on Champaign comity bonds '' on pMorgan county bonds '' on Pike county bonds .* '' on Chicago water bonds ' * on Illinois State bonds Rents, etc., of lands Collections outstanding from last year '' from C Iftmneal departm ent '' from students (spring term) '' from farm sales .'' from Mechanical shops 1 ' from Horticultural department '4' from Carpenter shops ' fuel from students '' Illinois Central Railroad donation Sundry collections Total receipts EXPENDITUEES. Board expense Salaries Fuel and lights Stationery ^printing and advertising Buildings and grounds, repairs, etc Incidental expenses janitor, cleaning, etc Mechanical department, running expenses Carpenter shops, running expenses Horticultural department, running expenses 4 Agricultural ' " '' Chemical '' " > "4 Library and cabinet " ' New University, buildings and ground Military department and gymnasium Balance on hand August 31, 1873 Total STATE APPROPRIATIONS. Appropria- Expended. ted. New University building.. Heating apparatus Fitting and furnishing Taxes on lands Agricultural experiments. Total unexpended $15, 000 00 18, 000 00 7, 350 00 5, 000 00 750 00 $8,100 9. 090 1, 550 2,660 342 01 05 71 49 80
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