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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

172 then condition of the endowment fund, and shall be presented to the governor on or before the fifteenth day of October in each year: Provided, that no less number of said reports be published annually than is nc-w authorized by lawT. § 5. The Trustees of the said University shall elect, annually, from their own number, a President, who shall also be one of the Executive Committee of three authorized by this act, in case such Committee should be chosen and appointed by the said Board ; and no money shall be drawn from the treasury of the University, except by order of the Board of Trustees or of the Executive Committee aforesaid, on the warrant of the President of the said Board, countersigned by the Eecording Secretary. § 6. All pupils attending the said University shall be taught, and shall study, such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, and as are adapted to promote the liberal and practical, education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions of life, without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and including, for all male students, military tactics. § 7. The Treasurer of the said University, and the said Board are hereby required in future to invest the principal of the funds arising from the endowment of the United States, in interest-bearing bonds of the United States, or of this State, or of other States which did not participate in the late rebellion. They are hereby prohibited from changing the securities in which said fund may be invested, without the express permission of the General Assembly, except that county bonds, in which some of said funds are now invested, may be sold, and the proceeds thereof invested in interest bearing bonds of the class and character specified above in this section. § 8. All charges for freight heretofore or hereafter accruing over the Illinois Central railroad, for the use or benefit, directly or indirectly, of the said University, shall be applied on the subscription of fifty thousand dollars to the funds of said University, until the said subscription shall be exhausted, and no such freights shall be paid in money by the Trustees to any person or corporation, nor shall any money be drawn from the treasury of the State on account thereof, nor on account of such application. § 9. There is hereby appropriated, for the full payment of the Archi tect, Superintendent, and the entire completion of the main University building of the said Industrial University, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars ; for heating apparatus for the same, eighteen thousand dollars; for gas fixtures, including street main connection, one thousand two hundred dollars; for fitting and furnishing said building, seven thousand three hundred and fifty dollars; for furniture and apparatus for
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