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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

169 SEC. 2. He shall countersign all warrants on the Treasurer, and note on each the appropriation of the Board or Executive Committee authorizing the issue of the same. IX.—Salaries. The salary of each officer, professor, instructor or other employee of the University, shall be fixed by resolution, at the time the appointment is made, subject to alteration, in the discretion of the Board and a warrant shall be drawn for the same according to law, on the Treasurer, as the same shall fall due : Provided, there are funds in the treasury to pay the same. Salaries shall be payable quarterly, on the first days of April, July, October and January, of each year. X.—Duties of Executive Committee. SEC. 1. The Executive Committee shall meet at the seat of the College, at least quarterly, and oftener if they shall find it necessary for the transaction of any business necessary to be done in the vacation of the Board. SEC. 2. The Executive Committee shall, for the purposes for which they were appointed, possess all powers of the Board: Provided, that they shall not revise or change the acts of the Board, not act upon any matters referred to any Committee of the Board that may be'intrusted with any special business.; shall not purchase or sell real estate, nor the land scrip nor bonds belonging to the Univer-' sity, without the consent, in writing, of a majority of all the members of the Board, and shall be strictly confined to such business as cannot be left till the quarterly meetings of the Board. SEC. 3. The Committee shall hold their office till the annual meeting next after their appointment; and they shall submit the minutes of their proceedings, or make a report through their Chairman, to every meeting of the Board, of all their transactions since the last meeting of the Board. SEC. 4. Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called in the same manner as special meetings of the Board. These By-laws may be repealed or amended, at any meeting of the Board, by a vote of a majority of all the members of the Board. JAMES P. SLADE, *A. M. BROWN, J. H. PICKRELL, Committee. The Chairman from the Committee of Course of Study asked that further time be allowed for their report. Granted. The Board adjourned to meet on Thursday, Sept. 4, at 3 o'clock, P. M. --22
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