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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

168 On motion, Col. E. B. Mason was added to the Committee on Appointment of Professors. Mr. D. Gardner reported on subject of Division Fence of University Lands, asking further time for investigation. Eeport accepted, and Committee continued. The following Eeport of Mr. J. P. Slade, from the Committee on Bylaws, was received, and the By-laws, as amended, adopted : To the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University : Your Committee appointed to revise the By-laws, would respectfully report as follows: I.—Meetings of the Board. SECTION 1. All meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be held at the University Building, in Champaign county, and a majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum. SEC. 2. The Board shall hold an annual meeting the 2d Tuesday of Ma^ch, and other meetings as often as once in three months, at such times as the Board may designate. SEC. 3. Special meetings may be called, whenever necessary, by the President or any three members of the Board, by mailing to each member of the Board, at least five days before the day of meeting, a notice of the call: Provided, that in such notice the business to be attended to at such meeting shall be specified. II.—Order of Business. SEC. 1. The order of business at each annual meeting of the Board shall be: 1. Reading of the Scriptures and prayer. 2 Calling the roll of members. 3. Reading, correction and approval of Minutes of last meeting. 4. Reports of Officers. 5. Reports of Committees. 6. Unfinished and new business. III.—Bules of Debate. SEC. 1. In discussion, and the disposal of business, the Board shall be governed, by the parliamentary rules and usages usually governing deliberative bodies. SEC. 2. Every lesolution offered shall be reduced to writing and sent to the Secretary's table. IV.—Officers and Appointees. The officers of the Board shall consist of the President, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary, and Recording Secretary; and the Board may, from time to time, appoint such Professors, Tutors or Instructors, and such subordinate officers and employees as they may deem necessary to c a r r i o n the Institution. V.—Terms of Office. SEC. 1. The Regent and Treasurer shall be elected at each biennial meeting, and. hold their offices for two years, and until their successors are elected and qualified. SEC. 2. The Corresponding and Recording Secretaries shall be elected at the annual meeting and bold their offices for one year, and until their successors are elected and qualified. SEC. 3. Professors, and other officers and employees, shall be appointed at such time, in such manner and for such term, as the Board shall, by resolution in such case, direct, and be subject to removal at the pleasure of the Board. VI.—Treasurer. The Treasurer shall give bond, with approved security, in the sum of three thousand dollars. He shall be custodian of all moneys and securities belonging to the University, except such as are, by law, placed in the custody of the State, and of the land scrip, until same shall be sold or located. He shall invest the funds of the University, as directed by the Board, and he shall pay no money out of the treasury, except upon a warrant of the President of the Board, countersigned by the Recording Secretary. He shall also, annually, and oftener when required, make a detailed report to the Board of all receipts and disbursements, since making his last report. VII.—Corresponding Secretary. The Corresponding Secretary shall perform the duties indicated and required by the act creating Ms office. He shall hold his office in the University building. VIII.—Iiecorcling Secretary. SEC. 1. The Recording Secretary shall perform the duties required of him by law, and usually appertaining to his office. He shall keep the books and papers belonging to his office at the University building, at Urbana, and the same shall be open to inspection of any member of the Board, or officer of the University. He shall be the clerk of the Executive Committee, and reside at or near the University.
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